Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 31 – Costume parade from 8h40-9h00. Parents may come in after the 8h30 bell, and you are welcome to watch the parade in the courtyard. If you take some awesome photos of fourth grade, please send them to us! PLEASE SEE HALLOWEEN COSTUME RULES AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST.
Friday, November 1 – Picture Retakes
Friday, November 8 – NO SCHOOL, Grading day
Monday, November 11 – NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day
Monday, November 25 – NO SCHOOL, Parent Teacher Conferences 8 am-8 pm & Book Fair
Tuesday, November 26 – NO SCHOOL, Parent Teacher Conferences 8 am-12 pm & Book Fair
Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29 – NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)

Mme Jana, French & Science teacher kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu
Le français
No French homework this week. The average score on the months of the year quiz on Friday was 21 out of 24, so 88%. Several students do not yet understand the month order or are not yet aware of which events happen in which months. We will keep reviewing the months with those students who did not perform as well.
Student goal: I can name, write, and order the months of the year in French.
We continue with leveled reading groups twice a week. I had a few students screened so we can dial right in on where they have gaps. Charlotte Bernard, our intern, is working to tackle those gaps. She is reading individually with students who need a little extra support four days a week. We continue our cursive writing instruction, and are moving on with the more challenging letters, o, v, b, and w. We learned how to conjugate verbs that end in -er, which accounts for 90% of French verbs. We’ll conjugate the verbs venir (to come) and tenir (to hold) this coming week.
Student goal: I can find grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form all the lowercase letters correctly in cursive.

Le chien aux yeux exorbités
We continued our French writing curriculum this week, called “J’observe…” and this time, they had sentence starters, but were asked to do the rest of the writing themselves. We did the photo at left, which in English means, “The Bug-Eyed Dog.” A few students have finished, but most students are still crafting.
We continue the “Moi!” project which is all about them… in French. A few students have gotten to the cursive writing part.
Student goal: With help, I can write a four sentence paragraph about a photo.
Les sciences
This past week, the soil in our vials had settled into layers, so we drew the layers and guessed which soil came from which area: mountain (la montagne), desert (le désert), delta (le delta) or forest (la forêt). We’re fine-tuning the idea that the components (les composants) of soil are influenced by where they come from. They are now learning the different components: humus (l’humus), pebbles (les cailloux), gravel (le gravier), silt (le limon) and clay (l’argile). We’ll draw the different sizes of components, then we’ll move into physical and chemical weathering (l’usure physique et chimique) with some fun experiments.
Student goal: I am learning what soil is made of and how regions affect soil components.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math this week
There is review homework this week.
Math check point – Last week, students completed a math check point. This helps me know mid-unit what I need to review and reteach. We discussed and reviewed it together on Friday. Please ask your child to show you this over the weekend. We will finished the unit Friday. They will have a chance to show what they know now on the unit test on Monday.
In unit 2, we’ll be looking at the base-ten number system and demonstrating how each place value is ten times greater than the place to it’s right. Students will be modeling multiplication of 2 digit times one digit numbers.
At home, you can help your child become fluent x1 through x12 facts. The hardest ones for students to remember are the x 4, x 6, x7, x8s. There are lots of songs and worksheets you can download from online. Students can make flash cards or simply give them 3-4 facts to practice each day in the car.

Hosting Interns
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We have 2 AMAZING interns from France working at our school. We are asking families to think about hosting one of them for the next term: January(ish)-March (ish).
Tom is a 21-year old young man who is very enthusiastic, an extravert and a sports/outdoor LOVER. He is currently the host brother of a 2nd grader.
Charlotte is a 22-year old young woman who is calm and an art lover. She is currently with a 3rd grader.
The requirements to host are:
– Transporting the intern to and from school,
– Offering her/his own room,
– Offering 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community, so tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Charlemagne parent) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup!
Halloween Costume and Parade Rules
Our Halloween Parade will start at 8:40. Parents are welcome to arrive at 8:35 and view the parade from the courtyard. For students who do not wish to participate in the parade we will have an alternate activity space available.
Below is a list of do’s and please don’t’s that we hope will make the day enjoyable for everyone.
If students are going to wear a costume, they must wear it to school. Please include shoes that are appropriate for school. No heels, no slippers, and no flip-flops.
Students will not be permitted to change at school. Costumes should not interfere with the ability of a student to go to the bathroom by themselves.
Please note that students will still have recess and any other activities they regularly have on a Thursday. Please send them with a coat, proper shoes, etc. so that they can participate fully the rest of the school day.
Please limit makeup to whiskers, freckles, eye make up, etc. No full face paint or masks.
Costumes must not be too scary or inappropriate for the school environment. Please no gory or grotesque costumes.
No props are allowed: no swords, weapons, wands, etc.
Your student should not dress as another person’s race, religion or culture. A costume can be of a character or an individual who is of another race/religion/culture than your child, but not of a generalized race or ethnicity, religion or culture. Costumes should not be caricatures of any group.
Students will be asked to change clothes for inappropriate attire which might entail a call home.
If you are not sure about the appropriateness of a costume, please discuss with your teacher or the principal.
Please Keep Fidgets and Toys at Home
Students have been bringing squishy toys and fidgets that are not conducive to focusing on work. We have had “squishies” pop and make a gluey mess and a few have gone missing. Please do not send toys or squishies to school. If your child needs a fidget tool that helps him/her/them focus, please let us know. We have some that work great and are far less distracting. A fidget is meant to help a child focus attention, so we reserve the right to ask students to put them away when they are more of a distraction to themselves and/or others.
Fiction Writing Contest
Is your child a budding writer? There’s an optional Fiction Fantastic writing short story contest for youth open to all Lane County students in grades K-12. We wont have time to do this in class, but families are welcome to encourage this at home. Last year, one of our Charlemagne students won second place! Find out more here: fictionfantastic.org.
National Parks Pass & Class Visitors
If you haven’t already, be sure to ask your child for their National Park Pass for your family on Friday! All students got a free pass through the Every Kid Outdoors Program.
PE & Recess
At recess, students will be outside even in drizzle. So please have your child wear layers and a jacket or hat during rainy, cool weather. Also, students need running appropriate shoes on PE Days:
Blue Class PE & Library days: Monday & Thursday Red Class PE & Library days: Tuesday & Friday
Building and Field Trip Volunteers
The school will be requiring that folks who would like to volunteer at the building or on field trips complete a Volunteer Orientation before beginning their support of the classrooms and our students. In 4th grade there are opportunities to volunteer at recess, in the library, and on field trips. Our first field trip will be in December. Later in the year, there may be classroom volunteer opportunities, too.
Once you have completed the video orientation and District Volunteer Background Check, we will ask that you sign a Charlemagne Confidentiality Agreement at the front office on your first day. Please contact the office if you would like to attend the next training.
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