Week 10

Coming up on the end of the trimester! Get your work in, smile at people, and try to sleep at least eight hours a night.


November 8, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

week 9

November 2, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Week 8

October 29, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Week 7, Trimester 1…

October 19, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Week 6! Progress reports on their way!

October 10, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Week 5’s goings-on

October 8, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Week 4

For those of you checking this thing (am I shouting into the void?), I’ll try to post the last week’s goings-on by Sunday. Behold, what we did the fourth week of school!

September 30, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Week three!

September 21, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Second week of Trimester I

Here’s what we did this week:

September 14, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Penultimate week

June 9, 2018.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

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