• Drama 2017/18

    Date: 2017.09.01 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Welcome!  I am so excited to begin the new school year. It is wonderful to see returning students and I look forward to meeting the new students. The play this year has not been chosen yet, but we do have some important dates set.  Please put them in your calendar. 

    Rehearsal Saturday March 10th 10am-2pm Cal Young Cafetorium

    Rehearsal Monday March 12th 9am-3:30pm Cal Young Cafetorium

    Performance Monday March 12th 7:00 PM (6:30) Cal Young Cafetorium

    Performance Tuesday March 13th 7:00 PM (6:30) Cal Young Cafetorium

    Performance Wednesday March 14th Student Assembly 9am-10:30am Cal Young Cafetorium

  • Welcome to Drama!

    Date: 2016.12.05 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

  • The Great Ghost Chase

    Date: 2016.12.05 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Rehearsal  Saturday February 11   10am-2pm  Cal Young Cafetorium

    Rehearsal  Monday  February 13    9am-3:30  Cal Young Cafetorium

    Performance Monday February 13  7:00 PM (6:30)  Cal Young Cafetorium

    Performance  Tuesday  February 14  7:00 PM (6:30)  Cal Young Cafetorium

    Performance  Wednesday February 15th 9:15 AM  assembly  Cal Young Cafetorium 

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