Gatsby wants Nick to do what? Gatsby asked Nick to invite his cousin Daisy over for tea…but why? Could it have something to do with what Gatsby told Jordan?
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Gatsby wants Nick to do what? Gatsby asked Nick to invite his cousin Daisy over for tea…but why? Could it have something to do with what Gatsby told Jordan?
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Gatsby takes Nick into the city for lunch, is it the West Egg welcoming committee? Gatsby told Nick some bogus story about his past life. I’m starting to grow fond of our new Boy Wonder. He’s smart, he knows Gatsby’s lying but he plays along anyway just to see where things will go…
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Something I’ve never heard of anyone getting is an invitation to one of Gatsby’s grande parties…but our new Boy Wonder did. Nick seems a bit like the elephant in the crowd at the party, but he finds Jordan and she fills him in on what she’s heard of Gatsby. German spy? Oxford? War? Who is Gatsby really though…
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Tom invites Myrtle, her sister and their friends over to his New York apartment for a quick n wild day fade! That sure as hell confirms my suspicions on Tom’s married mistress… Even Nick is having a drink, maybe he’s not as innocent as he seems? An insider told me that Myrtle brought up our “Golden Girl” Daisy and Tom got violent…broke her nose even…
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Spotted…Myrtle seems to be in a hurry to go into the city just five minutes after Tom left. Does Tom have a married mistress? Is it just a coincidence or is the plot thickening…?
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Seems like Tom and Nick clicked because they just drove by my prying eyes this morning while heading into New York. On their way into the city, to my surprise they stopped by George Wilson’s garage. What could possibly bring an enormously wealthy man to such a beat down garage in the middle of the Valley of Ashes? Tom introduced Nick and asked George for something and while he was away Tom suspiciously whispered something to George’s wife, Myrtle. Then they left, but before they drove away, Tom stared right at me and said to Nick, “Terrible place, isn’t it”. Rude.
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Our newest resident dropped by the Buchanan’s estate today for a family reunion with “Golden Girl”/cousin Daisy. There i’m sure he met Tom and got a full tour of his trophy room and dumb rich people possessions that they only have to show off. I believe Jordan Baker was there too…hmm those two seem like they might hit it off…
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Something out of the ordinary happened today. Someone new has moved in for the summer and he doesn’t live in a mansion or have loads of riches. A little birdie told me it’s none other than our “Golden Girls” cousin, Nick Carraway. What brings him to West Egg? Why wouldn’t he stay with his cousin on East Egg? Does he know what it all has in store for him? Only time will tell…
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
I have a feeling it’s gonna be a wildly hot summer for the residents of East Egg & West Egg…and I’m talking about more than the weather…
Xoxo, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg