Employment First Team Transition Information Event • March 18 • 6-8pm

Lane County Employment First Team Transition Information Event • Tuesday, March 18 6-8pm

​​Lane County Employment First Team is hosting a Transition Information Event for Families  in the South Eugene High School Cafeteria, on Tuesday, March 18  6-8 pm

The goal of this event is to connect individuals that may be eligible for services to providers.  Our goal is to have families of middle school, high school, and 18-21 year old students that experience disabilities to attend this event. 


​​Transition Family Information Night

To introduce families of all ages to Transition Services.  To provide structure to the event so it is easier to navigate for families and less overwhelming.  To provide a system for feedback and follow up.

School District Service Room

Families will be introduced to school district services that provide job exploration, work experience, college/trade school exploration, independent living instruction.  School Districts are obligated to find the Least Restrictive Environment for students.

Providers with Tables in School District Services: Career and Technical Education, Aspire, Person Centered Planning, School District Services for 18-21 year old Students, Cognitopia, Unified Sports


Post-Secondary Education Room

 Families will be introduced to programs and requirements of Post-Secondary Education Programs

Providers with Tables in Post-Secondary Education: Community College Programs, Career Connected Learning, Trade Schools, Job Corps


Employment Services Room

Families will be introduced to employment services, some services which need DD or VR eligibility, some services can be accessed by any student.

Providers with Tables in Employment Services: Job Developers, Employment Path Providers, Oregon Care Careers, Connected Lane County, Pre-ETS


DD/Brokerage Funded Services Room

Families will be introduced to services specifically for individuals who work with case management entities. 

Providers with Tables in DD/Brokerage: Day Service Providers, Able Accounts, SSI, FACT, Attendant Care, Supportive Living, Assistive Tech, Special Olympics/Unified Sports