Neurodiversity Family Support Night • 3rd Thursday each month • 6-8 pm

Neurodiversity Family Support Night

The Neurodiversity Family Support Night is hosted by parents and is open to all parents/caregivers, educators, coaches, direct support professionals and anyone else who supports children and youth in Lane County.

We want to help connect, support and empower people with helpful resources and information.

3rd Thursday of each month • 6-8 pm
ECCO High School
200 N. Monroe St. (located behind Eugene 4J District Offices)

*NOTE: Even though this event is held at a Eugene 4J high school, it is open to families across all school districts, as well as to families who homeschool or whose children attend private or charter schools.

February 20: Strategies for Managing ScreenTime Marian Stiegeler, a certified mental health provider & owner of Avodah Therapy Services, will lead a discussion on helping students manage their screen time and how to balance a healthy screen time with important peer interactions.


March 20: Internet Safety Brent Caulley, a youth & family director with a background in technology education, will share practical, proven tactics to help families maintain healthier digital habits and manage digital challenges.


FREE dinner and childcare provided by: Families Connected

Register online by the 10th of each month so we have an accurate headcount for food and childcare. If attending online, a Zoom link will be sent at registration. 

Thursday, February 20th 

Hear Marian Stiegeler discuss how much screens are too much and strategies to manage them and how to teach your kids to self manage....We know everyone of us will LOVE to hear her incredible suggestions since we all have a love/hate relationship with screens.  Marian brings years of experience to this topic from both a personal and professional perspective.

NEW this year! Free dinner and childcare provided by

Please RSVP by the 10th of each month so we have an accurate headcount for food and childcare staff. Kindly RSVP to: