Reality Check


June 16th, LAST CLASS!!

Review of the term. What went well? What was your favorite presenter and why? What shall we do differently if offering this class again? 

Ideas and suggestions for improving the class is always appreciated and its your change to make a change. 

What do you hope to be sharing if you are invited to come back and be the “guest” in a five years from now? 


June 9th, Guest speaker – Nick Kasa


June 2nd,  

Guest speaker___________________




May 26th

Review of last week: Guest-speaker Devyn. What did we learn? 

Plan to work – Ticket to work video:

Making money while having SSI. How does it work? 

Working while disabled :

 See p. 11-12. You can make $$. (Just remember to report it- and save in an ABLE account).


Reality check: At times you will have to take a step out of your comfort zone. 

Example: Think about what jobs you can do now …what jobs you’d like to do…. Future jobs you’d really like to have.

What are the hurdles to get there? EVERYONE will feel anxious and nervous about starting a new job, applying for a new job…sometimes even thinking about changes can be scary. Meeting new people, joining a club/gym… all of these things can be a little scary… do you know of anyone that is good at this (getting out of comfort zone)? 

BUT, let’s break it down together: SUMMER GOALS!! What are they? 

  • Vocational
  • Social
  • Exercise 
  • …………

Do you have your results saved from “Jumpstart” – fill out a new one and make it “BIG” , plan like you want the good stuff 🙂



May 19th. 

Guest Speaker:  __Devyn________

  1. Name and when did you go to connections? 
  2. What do you do now?

A): working? 

B): living (home/independently/roommate)? 

C): do for social free time? 

D): get around in the community? 

  1. What did you like about connections? 
  2. What advice do you have for us still going to Connections? 
  3. What do you wish you’d done differently- A: when in Connections? B: once having graduated Connections?  
  4. What class do you wish was offered at Connections?
  5. What types of classes do you wish you’d taken more of (cooking, vocational, planning/organization, social, …)? 
  6. Are you connected with any agencies/ clubs /interest/ hobbies ? 
  7. How did you juggle time with work/social/home? (how did this look right after Connections compared to now ).?
  8. How did it affect your mental health not having support from Connections? And how did you cope with those experiences? 
  9. What do you wish you’d known while in Connections? 

Week 6 (May 5th)

Guest speaker – ——


Motivational: video of


Last week we briefly started working on SMART GOALS. 
 – what is a goal you have.? Let’s create another SMART GOAL. 

Time allowing we’ll revisit the last class of Jumpstart – reality check (see screenshots from prior class below)






Week 5 (April 28th) Guest speaker —–

Review of last week: Expectation of our participation when having guest speakers.  

Lets interview ourselves with our own questions (see questions below) – then please email me the answers.

This could be fun to compare your answers if we have this class again in the future.  Maybe you’ll be the guest speaker in a few years, and we can then compare your answers with what you’re thinking/saying now. 


Let’s check in on last week’s presenter , what stood out to you? What did you learn? What will you do differently as a result of hearing Kyle’s answers? 




Finding your potential and yet being realistic with the steps to get there.


Time allowing we’ll revisit the last class of Jumpstart – reality check (see screenshots from prior class below)


Week 4 (April 21st)

Presenter: Kyle Cramer

Welcome to our guest: Then introduce ourselves and say which year we’re in program. 

We can work through the questions we created last week, but please also add to the discussion if you have any other ideas. 

  1. Name and when did you go to connections? 
  2. What do you do now?

A): working? 

B): living (home/independently/roommate)? 

C): do for social free time? 

D): get around in the community? 

  1. What did you like about connections? 
  2. What advice do you have for us still going to Connections? 
  3. What do you wish you’d done differently- A: when in Connections? B: once having graduated Connections?  
  4. What class do you wish was offered at Connections?
  5. What types of classes do you wish you’d taken more of (cooking, vocational, planning/organization, social, …)? 
  6. Are you connected with any agencies/ clubs /interest/ hobbies ? 
  7. How did you juggle time with work/social/home? (how did this look right after Connections compared to now ).?
  8. How did it affect your mental health not having support from Connections? And how did you cope with those experiences? 
  9. What do you wish you’d known while in Connections? 


At the end, thank our guest for taking time out of her day to present to us!!


Continued from last weeks: assessment: How far did you get? 

Take screenshots and save the info on the google doc (to look something like this): (use the “shift”+ “command” + “4” to do a screenshot. You may need to take 3 screenshots.

Can look like this:

Select one of the “chosen careers” and type into the Onet / My next Move website:

 JimBob typed in the grounds maintenance career on the search. (it’ll look like this once selecting a category)


Look at the video and see what it entails.


Look at your video (recommended for you) when typing in the suggested job/career from the “JumpStartAssessment”. 

QSTN: Any parts of these tasks that will be hard for you to do? Can you identify the accommodations you’ll need to be successful? 



Week 3 (April 14th) 

Presenter : Makenna 

Welcome to our guest: Then introduce ourselves and say which year we’re in program. 

We can work through the questions we created last week, but please also add to the discussion if you have any other ideas. 

  1. Name and when did you go to connections? 
  2. What do you do now?

A): working? 

B): living (home/independently/roommate)? 

C): do for social free time? 

D): get around in the community? 

  1. What did you like about connections? 
  2. What advice do you have for us still going to Connections? 
  3. What do you wish you’d done differently- A: when in Connections? B: once having graduated Connections?  
  4. What class do you wish was offered at Connections?
  5. What types of classes do you wish you’d taken more of (cooking, vocational, planning/organization, social, …)? 
  6. Are you connected with any agencies/ clubs /interest/ hobbies ? 
  7. How did you juggle time with work/social/home? (how did this look right after Connections compared to now ).?
  8. How did it affect your mental health not having support from Connections? And how did you cope with those experiences? 
  9. What do you wish you’d known while in Connections? 


At the end, thank our guest for taking time out of her day to present to us!!


Continued from last week: assessment: How far did you get? 

Take screenshots and save the info on the google doc (to look something like this): (use the “shift”+ “command” + “4” to do a screenshot. You may need to take 3 screenshots.

Can look like this:

Select one of the “chosen careers” and type into the Onet / My next Move website:

 JimBob typed in the grounds maintenance career on the search. (it’ll look like this once selecting a category)


Look at the video and see what it entails.


Look at your video (recommended for you) when typing in the suggested job/career from the “JumpStartAssessment”. 

QSTN: Any parts of these tasks that will be hard for you to do? Can you identify the accommodations you’ll need to be successful? 




Week 2 (April 7th) 

Last week we did the Onet/mynextmove assessment: many of you said this came out similar to what you’d  had expected. Do you have your info saved? 

Here is what JimBob found when looking at his list: 


Do you think these words describe a person well? 

We need to come up with more questions for our guest speakers: so far we have: 

  1. Name and when did you go to connections? 
  2. What do you do now?

A): working? 

B): living (home/independently/roommate)? 

C): do for social free time? 

D): get around in the community? 

  1. What did you like about connections? 
  2. What advice do you have for us still going to Connections? 
  3. What do you wish you’d done differently- A: when in Connections? B: once having graduated Connections?  
  4. What class do you wish was offered at Connections?
  5. What types of classes do you wish you’d taken more of (cooking, vocational, planning/organization, social, …)? 
  6. Are you connected with any agencies/ clubs /interest/ hobbies ? 
  7. How did you juggle time with work/social/home? (how did this look right after Connections compared to now ).?
  8. How did it affect your mental health not having support from Connections? And how did you cope with those experiences? 
  9. What do you wish you’d known while in Connections? 


OK, now we’ll do another “reality check” assessment with trying to figure out the actual costs of what your choices will be, and then it’ll match the outcome with some careers you need/want/may fit for. 

Follow the link – answer the questions. Once done: 

Take screenshots and save the info on the google doc (to look something like this): (use the “shift”+ “command” + “4” to do a screenshot. You may need to take 3 screenshots.

Can look like this:

Select one of the “chosen careers” and type into the Onet / My next Move website:

 JimBob typed in the grounds maintenance career on the search. (it’ll look like this once selecting a category)


Look at the video and see what it entails.


Look at your video (recommended for you) when typing in the suggested job/career from the “JumpStartAssessment”. 

QSTN: Any parts of these tasks that will be hard for you to do? Can you identify the accommodations you’ll need to be successful? 




Week 1. (March 31)

What do you hope to get out of the class? 

The idea of this class is to get an idea of how you see yourself and get a REALISTIC idea of how to get to your next step in life. That may be getting a job, a car, a partner, making friends, get an apartment, go on a trip….


We will invite guest speakers and have them share what has worked , (and NOT worked) for them to reach their goals. This will be former students and other community members. We will have the opportunity to ask their perspective on what they wish they would more or/ less of, not worried to much about…..


THE TRUTH: video: class-trailer Neil-Degrasse-Tyson

This was the look on science and facts. We are all going to have so many biases that will affect the way we view the world – AND OURSELVES!! 

Let’s look into your perspective on yourself. What are your strengths and would others agree with this ? Do you have an accurate view of yourself? Depending on where you’re in your life various changes may feel like really big obstacles to overcome.

IT’LL take …….


O’NET test (MynextMove).

Let’s all take the test – go through it quickly. At the end you’ll need to take screenshots of the results. (shift-command-4, and then drag over the area). Save this info and put into a document you name “Reality Check”. It’ll look something like this: 

Is this you? Is this really showing who you are and what you want? Click next (a few times) and select little or NO preparation needed. Once you reach this step take another screenshot. 

This little test you’ve probably done many times before and it shows a little glimpse of what you’re interested in and is supposed to help navigate what career/job you may want.  

You are more than your job/career/volunteer/community involvement , but it can be a big part of your identity. 

Things will change with the seasons/years rolling. It’s never too late to change and try something new!  

Obstacles will be overcome: You don’t have to do it alone!!

*Relationships: –I’ll never find anyone — I found someone — Breaking up — I’ll never find anyone again — I found someone — it’s not healthy — I’m alone again — I’ll never find anyone — i found someone — I’m feeling good — it’s a healthy relationship— 

*Vocational:…. I’ll just go out and find a job myself, I’m not sure I’m ready — I found nothing — I got help from OVRS — I got a job — I got laid off — I interviewed for “tons” of jobs — I’ll never get a job — I got a job— I feel lost at my job — I stuck it out — I’m doing OK — I want a new job —- 

*Independent living:—– I can’t afford a place to live — I need roommates — I don’t trust my friends to be my roomate — I found roomates —

*Financial choices:”——— I got no money — I got a paycheck — I spent it all at once — I got no money — I got a paycheck — I saved some money— I spent it all — I got a pay check — 

**** What are questions you have for former students? We can “interview them” and hopefully use their successes / mistakes as tools for us to make smart choices.


  1. Name and when did you go to connections? What do you do now? (work, live indep, …)
  2. What did you like about connections? 
  3. What advice do you have for us still going to connections? 
  4. What do you wish you’d done differently? 
  5. What class do you wish you’d taken …
  6. ………………


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