November is Track Your Spending Month!

budget-envelopes-sThe Connections Board of Directions have declared the month of November as track your spending month.  What does it mean to Track your spending you ask? Tracking your spending is the process where you keep a record of where you spend your money.  There are several ways to track spending; you can keep receipts, keep a ledger, monitor your bank account online, use an app on your smartphone (e.g. You Need A Budget) or follow the envelope method.  Just don’t rely solely on keeping track of your spending in your head (it never is as accurate as you think it is)! If you keep track of where your money goes, you will be surprised how much money you can save!  After all, it is a November to Remember (your spending)!

Calling all Connections work site volunteers! You have set goals for your worksites in October. Now you are tracking your goals using Goal Guide! Please bookmark Goal Guide on your smart phone and remember to update your goal guide account as soon as your shift ends at your worksite! Remember it is very important to keep a record of your accomplishments that you can share with your vocational rehabilitation counselor and job developer! If you do not have a smart phone, you can still update Goal Guide at your worksite. Please make an appointment with Josh for an accommodation.

Remember, Connections has a short week this week. We have a regular schedule on Monday, November 2, Tuesday, November 3 and Wednesday, November 4. Connections will be closed on Thursday, November 5 and Friday, November 6. Please remember all other 4J schools and Lane Community College will be open on November 5 and 6. If you attend another 4J school or LCC, please plan on attending class on Thursday and Friday this week!


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