Do You Know When It Is Appropriate To Stay Home From School and/or Work?

IMG_2649Being reliable is important.  You need to follow through on your commitments.  In a perfect world, everyone would always attend school each day.  And, in a perfect world, no one would ever miss a day of work.  In the real world, people do have to miss school or work from time to time.  The students of Is It A Medical Emergency?  generated a list of times you should stay home from school or word due to illness.  Here is their list (in no particular order):

1. If you are vomiting or having diarrhea

2. If you have a fever over 100 degrees

3. If you have head lice

4. If you have pink eye

5. If you have bronchitis

6. If you have pneumonia

7. If you have a medical condition that requires you to be in the hospital

Can you add to this list?  Please join Is It A Medical Emergency? each Monday at 11 am or Wednesdays at 1:30 pm.  The above reasons are all outstanding reasons to miss school or work.  But remember, no matter how sick you are, you still need to contact your teacher or supervisor to let them know that you are not coming.

I would like to thank everyone that attended Alumni Afternoon!  It was an electrifyingevent, and a good time was had by all!  Please look for the next Alumni Event coming winter term!

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