Bike Inspection
Preforming a Bike Inspection:
Please use the Bicycle Safety Inspection Checklist link below to inspect the bikes in the classroom. When you are finished, write general notes on the blog tab of your e-portfolio
Bicycle Safety Inspection Link: BMPBicycleSafetyInspectionChecklist
Tools Needed:
- Wrenches
- Safety Inspection Checklist
- Pencil
- Keen Observation
- Make sure wheel nuts are tight. You will usually need a 15 mm wrench for this step if the wheels are bolted and not quick release. Test front and back wheel.
- .
- Spin The Tires and Use the hand breaks to make sure breaks are not dragging on the rim of your wheel or touching the tires.
- Check the handle bar to make sure it is tight. May need a 13 mm wrench for this step.
- Check the stem to make sure it is tight
- Check bolt on seat post
- Check pedal cranks
- Mark the areas that need to be fixed on the Inspection Chart (Click On Picture To Enlarge):
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