on June 6, 2018 by ivandagrif21 in Uncategorized, Comments (0)

Virus Runs Rampant

  A new virus has begun tearing apart the city of London and other cities in the southern UK. This disease is speculated to be a mutation of a spore know as Ophiocordyceps. This fungus takes control of the body of ants by breaking through their abdomen and hot-wiring their brain. They then have the ant go to the highest place it can find to spread its spores. 

   This mutation does the same thing except it makes people eat others instead of climbing trees. The fungus is effectively spread through biofluids (blood and spit). As of now, the fungus is the fastest spreading epidemic know to man so keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity.

    If you do find that your city has been overrun by the undead here are a few tips for survival. One, keep hidden. The hungry are attracted by three major senses, Sound, Sight, and Smell. If your town is under attack government personnel will give out tubes of e-blocker to civilians. This effectively hides your human pheromones and protects yoo from the undead. While using e-blocker it is advised that you make your movements very sublet and quite so as not to arouse the suspicion of any hungries in the area.

   Second, make your way to the safe haven in Beacon. Beacon and a large sorounding periminter are protected by armed milatery personnel. It is also fully stocked with food and clean water. Three, if you or one of your loved ones is bitten by an infected it is impertinent that you kill them before the fungus takes over their body and kills you or others around you. To do this you must destroy the brain otherwise they will keep coming no matter how many bullets you put in its chest.