Welcome to 5th grade!

September 9, 2015

Dear Fabulous Fifth Graders,
I am excited for our first day together. I hope you have had a wonderful summer and find yourself ready for a new school year.
We are going to learn through making mistakes, working hard, and sharing our thinking.
What’s one thing you are looking forward to learning or doing as a fifth grader?

Your new teacher,
Mrs. Tait

Open House

Thank you for coming to visit your new classroom. I’m very excited that I got to meet you all before our first day back to school. If you weren’t able to come, no biggie. I look forward to meeting you soon!

Parents please take a moment to fill out these online forms. One of my goals each year is to communicate clearly with parents in effort to make each child’s year a success. There are two forms Parent Contact and Volunteer Sign-Up. The links to these are forms are on the right, under “Parent Links.”

I’m looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Tait