Vignette #1

Create your own “Friend / Family Vignette

Using Cisneros’ vignette as a model, “My Lucy Friend who Smells like Corn”, students will write a vignette of their own, in narrative style, about a person with whom they have a relationship. They will begin with the smell they associate with this individual. ie. I knew I was home when I opened the door to the cloud of smoke hanging in the entryway, which quickly crept  its way in, awakening memories long forgotten.

Students will begin the vignette addressing this smell and move on to describing different situations when they encountered this person and describe the situations using more sensory details (any of the 5 senses). By the end of the vignette, all 5 of the senses should have been used at least once, in addition to concluding the story, again, with the smell.

*Required length: 250 – 500 words