Design Technology

The Design Technology course is the result of drawing from four distinct courses I’ve previously taught up to this Fall, 2018. Those course were Information Design (marketing, branding, and logo design with graphics standards), 3D Design to Build (3d design for print tools/apps, concepts and projects, and protoyping using 3D PLA printers and 3D laser printers), Animation Design (basic tools/apps, concepts and projects including, stop motion photography, and claymation), and Coding (basic programming/coding concepts, languages, apps, and gaming). Robotics and Drones programming will be implemented in Winter and Spring terms.

The following are the 5 Design Technology Course Modules with links to content pages:

Branding and Logo Design

3D Design to Build



Robotics and Drones

Note: Design Technology is a 5 module course delivered over 12 weeks. Students may take this course repeatedly over their time at Cal Young, with assignments and projects addressing prior course exposure, and building on those skills. Those students earn the designation as “Advanced Design Technology” students and can choose specific areas of focus, completing specified advanced projects and/or designing their own approved assignments/projects over the term.

Cal Young Technology, Journalism, and Leadership