Ms. Samson's Blog
Arts and Technology Academy

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Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson was born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1940.

When she was a little girl, her father taught her how to draw and how to make books from homemade paper and “hogmawg,” a mixture of mud, clay, twigs, leaves, lime, animal grease, and glue. Aminah uses hogmawg in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work. Her mother taught her weaving, needlework, and button work.

Aminah’s art is grounded in her belief in the African concept of Sankofa, learning from the past in order to move forward. She has taken extended journeys to various countries in Africa; New York City; Sapelo Island, Georgia; Israel; and Chile. Each journey has resulted in a series of art that often includes a RagGonNon, a large and complex work of art that is often on cloth encrusted with buttons, beads, and other found objects. [text from]

Try making virtual artwork  like Aminah using the link below:
Aminah Robinson’s Work / Make a Virtual Collage

Use materials you find around your house to create your own collage. Be sure to ask your parent/guardian, though, before taking materials to turn into art.


Who is Mo Willems? Click HERE to find out more.

If you would like to learn some tips from Mo, click on this link:
Doodle with Mo Willems