Week 8 (5/20-5/24)

Monday 5/20/19

Human and Chimpanzee Evolution WS DUE today

Review Evolution of Populations Packet

Types of Reproductive Isolation & Genetic Equilibrium (The Hardy-Weinberg Principle) Notes 5/20


Do Hardy Weinberg practice problems #1-6 in INB DUE T 5/21 Problems #1-6

Read ALL of Chapter 18 (if you haven’t already)

Tuesday 5/21/19

INB Check of Hardy Weinberg practice problems #1-6

The Biology of Skin Color 



“The Great Debate” Article DUE Th. 5/21

1) Underline vocabulary words that are unknown and define those words on the back page.

2) Highlight main points

3) Write a one paragraph summary of the article on the back page.

Wednesday 5/22/19

Discuss “The Great Debate” Article

In INB, do Chapter 18 Assessment

pg.606 #1-18 DUE Th 5/23


Finish Chapter 18 Assessment

pg.606 #1-18 DUE Th 5/23

Thursday 5/23/19

The Red Queen Hypothesis Notes 5/23

Review Chapter 18 Assessment


Study for Chapter 18 Test on F 5/24: Evolution of Populations

Friday 5/24/19

Chapter 18 Test: Evolution of Populations Begin Biome Project DUE 6/17

INB Check of Chapter 18 Assessment


Read Chapter 3.3: Biomes