Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

Wed. 4/23 “Late Start” A Day — Sophomores 10C and 10B

24th April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR SOPHOMORES: Continue working on practice passage analyses HWK: Finish reading the novel. Expect a quiz on Chs 24-30

Tues. 4/22 “C” Day — Freshmen 9A and Sophomores 10B

22nd April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR FRESHMEN: Turn in typed “how to use quotes” hwk and go over some examples in class Finish last two poster presentations on No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency and tie events to themes Get handouts on upcoming essay on this novel HWK: READ DIRECTIONS FOR THE ESSAY ON THE NOVEL AND CHOOSE A TOPIC YOU WANT […]

Mon. 4/21 “B” Day — Freshmen 9A and Sophomores 10C

21st April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR FRESHMEN: Get back graded sheets where you practiced one form of integrating quotes into your writing. Get back into groups and finish creating posters on the final chapters of No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency HWK: Turn over the blue sheet on how to use quotes that you got back this class and type out examples of […]

Friday 4/18 “A” Day — Sophomores 10C and 10B

19th April 2014 | 3 Comments

FOR SOPHOMORES: Work in groups to create a practice passage analysis from Nectar in a Sieve HWK: READ CHS. 23& 24. BE PREPARED FOR VOCAB TEST NEXT CLASS.

Thurs. 4/17 “C” Day — Freshmen 9A and Sophomores 10B

17th April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR FRESHMEN: Finish watching the video version of our novel In assigned groups, review major events of the last few chapters and create a poster to explain your findings. These will be presented to the class either today or tomorrow. HWK: None FOR SOPHOMORES 10B: Partner work on literary vocabulary Understanding internal/external conflict in the novel […]

Wed. 4/16 “B” Late Start — Freshmen 9A and Sophomores 10C

16th April 2014 | 5 Comments

FOR FRESHMEN: Collect, grade, and discuss blue “literary devices” sheet that you did for hwk Finish scavenger hunt for themes of the novel. Keep this paper! You’ll need it for the final essay. Watch 15 minutes of the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency video HWK:  None! FOR SOPHOMORES: Partner work on literary vocabulary Understanding internal/external […]

Tues. 4/15 “A” Day — Sophomores 10C and 10B

15th April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR SOPHOMORES: Quiz on Chs 13-15 Discussion of the novel Work with a partner responding to any two of five possible statements about the novel. HWK: Read Chs. 16-18. Fill out yellow character chart.

Mon. 4/14 “C” — Freshmen 9A and Sophomores 10B

14th April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR FRESHMEN: Vocab test on No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency vocab Get back graded reflective essays and see two examples of excellent essays. If you made a D or lower, you can rewrite your essay after a meeting with me to discuss it. Make an appt. this week. Scavenger hunt to gather examples of themes of […]

Fri. 4/11 “B” Day — Freshmen 9A and Sophomores 10C

11th April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR FRESHMEN: Collect vocab comic done for hwk and review questions on any of the vocabulary. You receive a list of words that will be on the test (all the ones you’ll have done for hwk) and a crossword puzzle to complete for test review. If you missed class today, here are the vocab words, […]

Thurs. 4/10 “A” Day — Sophomores 10C and 10B

10th April 2014 | 0 Comments

FOR SOPHOMORES: Get back creative writing stories. You can rewrite! See me for an appt. Lesson on eliminating “there” as a way to begin sentences. Get a handout titled “The Vocabulary of the Novel” Quiz on and discussion of chapters 4-8 HWK: READ CHS. 9-12