Edison Elementary 4th Grade

Come and Learn with us!

   Oct 13

Math Parent Letter Unit 2


   Oct 02

Math Parent Letter Unit 1



   Mar 01

How to write a quality Blog Comment

How to Write a Quality Comment
1. Start with a compliment. Be positive and specific.
2. Add new information. Add factual information about the topic.3. Make a connection! Connect with the writer and share your connection (just like reading groups, making those connections).4. End with a question. Ask a relevant question to continue the conversation. Think of the work we did in Philosophy.

5. Proofread and edit your comment. Spelling counts!  And don’t
forget correct capitalization and punctuation, what we’ve been working on in our paragraph editing.

Have fun and Happy Blogging!

   Mar 01

Blog Guidelines

Blog Guidelines


Our class blog is a way for us to share our ideas and our learning with other people. Sharing our learning means that it is very important that we understand how to use the blog and the internet in a secure way.


The following guidelines have been established to ensure the safety of our students when blogging. The guidelines are also reminders of how to use the blog to improve writing and keyboarding skills.


  • Student work will only be identified by first names. All comments should have first names only.
  • Parents who leave comments are asked not to use last names either. (Please post comments as “Jimmy’s mom” or “Megan’s grandfather”, etc.)
  • All comments submitted have to be approved by Mr. Brian before they are included on the blog. Inappropriate or sloppy writing will not be approved.
  • Proof-read your comments carefully. Students should have a family member check for spelling mistakes before submitting a comment.
  • Only Mr. Brian has access to post things on the blog. Later in the year, when students begin to write blog entries, they will go through edits and revisions before Mr. Brian posts them.
  • Always write in full sentences and words – no “text talk” please!

Blog Guidelines borrowed from: http://jmsalsich.edublogs.org/blog-guidelines/

   Mar 01

Room 4 Blogging

Hello Room 4 Families,

I wanted to share with you our new class website/blog and let you know that I am hoping to have the students begin contributing to our blog by the end of the year.  I know that we have some very talented students and I want them to be able to showcase the great things that they are doing in a larger way.

I know that we have students who will be writing their own blogs in the near future, other students who love sharing their stories and others who have created their very own scratch programming video game.  I would like the site to be more interactive and be a place that we (the teacher, parents/family and students) can comment on the students great work.

The district has a set of guidelines that we will follow in the creation of our class blog.  I will keep you updated in the process.  You can read the district guidelines that I will use to begin with.  If you have any questions comments or concerns please let me know and we can discuss what to do.  Thanks, Mr. Brian.

4j District Blog Guidelines

ALL K-12 Students

It is clear that there are significant risks, as well as significant advantages, involved with allowing students to be identified on the Internet. Therefore students should not be easily identifiable from materials they might publish on the Internet. No directory information should be posted on the web for students whose parents have returned the form asking that such information not be released.

Student Internet Publishing Guidelines

  • Only first names should be used in published student work.
  • Pictures that are a part of student publishing should not include identifying information.
  • Under no circumstances should a student’s home address or phone number be included.
  • If replies to published student work are appropriate, the sponsoring teacher’s address should be the email address displayed, not the student’s.
  • In special circumstances with parent-signed release, identifying information can be added.
  • No social sites are to be accessed using District provided student email accounts.


   Mar 01

Scholastic Book Orders

I’ll be placing a Scholastic Book order this month on Friday, September 25.  Orders can be placed online or the forms can be returned in class.  The classroom code is G4DFZ.  All orders earn points for free class books.  I enjoy getting feedback from students about what books they would like to have in our class library.  Thanks for looking.


Class Code: G4DFZ

   Mar 01

About Me (Brian)

My name is Brian Reavis.  I am a born and raised Oregonian.  I grew up in the Eugene/Springfield area enjoying all of the natural beauty that we have around us.  I am a big Oregon Duck fan.

I teach 4th grade here at Edison Elementary School.  This is my 5th year at Edison and my 10th year in the district.  I have been a substitute teacher, P.E. teacher, Kindergarten teacher and a 4th-Grade teacher.  I have enjoyed each of the different grades that I have been able to teach and I am excited to have landed at 4th-Grade.   

I am married to my beautiful wife Danielle and we have 3 wonderful boys and new baby girl (ages 8, 6, 3 and our new baby girl).  My wife also grew up in the area and we met while at the University of Oregon.  In my free time, I enjoy time with my family most of all.  I love the great outdoors, playing sports, playing board games, cooking, traveling both near and far.