Meet Miss Olsen

I love teaching!  I always knew I wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little girl.  I am sure that having my mom as a teacher for 38 years made a major impact upon my decision to become a teacher as well.

I also love to travel!  I have been traveling from a young age.  The first impactful travel experience was when my mother enrolled me into a public school in Mexico City when I was seven years old.  What a great opportunity!  From that point on, I realized how important it was to have an open mind and learn about other cultures, habitats, languages, traditions, religions, etc. I’m still traveling and learning!

About Myself

Name: Karen K. Olsen
North Eugene High School
University of Oregon
   Bachelor Degrees: Music Education & Elementary Education
   Masters Degree: Curriculum & Instruction

Contact Me

School Phone: 541-790-5800

My Favorite Books

Anne of Green Gables
Where the Red Fern Grows
A Wrinkle In Time
Number the Stars
Three Cups of Tea
No Ordinary Times
Practically any book having to do with American and World History!

My Favorite Musicals

West Side Story
My Fair Lady
The Sound of Music
Whatever I am directing this year!

My Favorite Travel Destinations

Morocco, Egypt, China, Tunisia, Kenya, Turkey, Norway, India, Italy, Chile, Iceland and whatever country I am visiting next!

Quote: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Many of our people need it sorely. Broad, wholesome, charitable views, cannot be acquired by vegetating in one’s little corner of the earth.”
-Mark Twain


Traveling, Photography, History, Geology, Musical Theatre, Singing, Playing the Piano

My Heroes

John and Abigail Adams, Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rachel Carson