
Oliver Ernandes

Mr. Cantwell

Period 3, creative writing, 586 words

September 27th, 2019


The Camping Kegger


It was the summer of 75. I was 19 and loved to party. Summer was hot and muggy, always good weather for swimming. I had a dark blue cutlass and my friends and I drove around all day and night looking for things to do to get our minds off how bored we were. We had a whole gang of friends me Jer and Rob would usually be the ones driving cause no one else had cars that would run. One weekend when none of us had work we decided to go camping. We jumped in our cars with some sleeping bags and invited a butt load of people out to the woods. We went to the main campground up in the hills first but there were no open sites and partying with all these people around would totally blow. We talked to the guy in charge and he got pissed that we even had the thought to party here. So we drove further and further out and found a great spot on the side of and old road. We got out and started to unload the goods. We got everything out and realized shoot, we had forgotten the drinks. The night was ruined and the whole day of preparing was all for nothing. About a half an hour later we hear through the cool evening air and the roar of an engine. Robby drives up in his el camino with two kegs in the back. He gets out of the car and we all cheer and start chest bumping.

It’s later in the night and almost everyone we invited was there it was a great time out in the woods away from all the nosy neighbors trying to ruin the fun. After a bit we start to hear a scream. This girl I had never seen before comes running towards me and barfs all over my boots. I yell and try to find some water to wash it off. These were brand new boots. I’m walking through the woods looking for a creek when I see a small light dancing about 500 feet to the left of me going back then way I came. I freeze and begin to inch toward it the light gets closer and i see the outline of a man, he’s big i see a piece of metal in his hand, at first i think it’s a shovel but with a second wook I realize it’s an axe. I inch closer but then he turns toward me, i hide behind a tree and pray he didn’t see me. The light starts to get closer and closer and then all of a sudden goes out. Then all of a sudden whoosh the axe swing I dodge and stab at the dark with a broken bottle. I hit something and it fell I turned on my light and there he was the axeman laying there before me. He had no doubt been going towards my friends to try and claim some victims. I ran as fast as I could all the way back. My friend jer sees my face and says what happened man, i say oh nothing just got a little spooked cause i got thrown up on. 

Thats the story of my first murder the thrill was the best thing ever, and i never stopped hunting my victims after that night and i still havent been caught.Image result for camping

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