The Lab by Jack Heath
320 pages

In a world dominated by an evil corporation, an organization called the Deck in which the staff is named after suits such as Hearts and Diamonds, deals out justice while Six of Hearts, their best operative, does his work without killing anybody.

Jack Heath’s website – Check out the manga!

Sam’ review:
If you like reading books with loads of video-game type action and super-human abilities at work in hair-raising chases and grueling fights, read this book! Agent Six of Hearts doesn’t consider himself a human, even though he has plenty of human DNA. He is the product of an experiment by the evil corporation ChaoSonic, which controls the world with manipulation and fear. Agent Six is the most formidable weapon of the Deck, the only force that is fighting ChaoSonic. With peregrine eyes and a bloodhound nose (among other borrowed features), Six knows that he has everything to make him an exceptional fighter, and when he meets Kyntak, another clone such as himself, he begins to consider his humanness (which he has always discounted) in a new way. I prefer books that focus more on character development and less on the details of fighting, so I wouldn’t count The Lab among my top picks. Readers looking for lots of action that makes you feel as if you’re reading a video game would like this book a lot.