The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester
336 pages

Piper McCloud’s ability to fly sets her apart from the other kids, so her mother sends her to an exclusive school for children with exceptional abilities, but even there she does not fit in with the other students.

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Review by Sam:
 The Girl Who Could Fly is a curious mixture of old-timey farming life, science fiction creations, boarding school bullying, and characters with special talents. Piper McCloud, born to a farming couple in their later years, loves her Ma and Pa and seeks to please them, except in one area: she loves to fly and cannot follow their efforts to ground her. Through an entertaining series of events, Piper’s secret pastime is discovered and brings much unwanted attention to their unassuming family. Into this media circus strides Dr. Letita Hellion, sophisticated and smartly dressed. She swoops in with her formidable entourage to whisk Piper away to a secret “school” far below the surface of the earth where exceptional children learn to “fit in.” The school is called I.N.S.A.N.E.: Institute of Normalcy, Stability, and NonExceptionality (OBOBers – this acronym is sure to be a question!). Will Piper be sucked in by Dr. Hellion’s subtle manipulations? How will Piper be true to herself in the midst of a school dedicated to the opposite? Suspend your disbelief and jump on the wild, crazy ride of this book!

Review by Grace K:
Piper is a girl with dreams that reach the sky… literally! She loves to fly, but Mrs. Hellion is holding her back. Sadly leaving her parents, Piper goes to a secret place for people like her. People who have powers. A school basically. At first, Piper was SO excited to finally be in a school with kids like her, but she soon realizes that that school, is the most dangerous place she has ever been in…