Mrs. Nelson's Blog

6th Grade Social Studies

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Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies!

This year in Social Studies we will be studying current events, geography, culture, historical figures, government, economics and world history. Our class will be filled with reading, writing and critical thinking. I’m looking forward to a great year of fun and learning!

Please find this blog as a resource to help support your student. Above you will find links to our History Alive- The Ancient Word Textbook as well as the workbook.

-Mrs. Nelson
Room 209

Class Syllabus
Assignments and Projects
Students are required to keep an organized 3-ring binder with tab dividers for each class. Students should have a “Social Studies” tab in their binders, where they will keep all their handouts, returned work and graded assessments. Students will have daily assignments to complete. If a student does not complete their daily work in class, it automatically becomes homework, due the next school day. Please refer to your student’s planner for recorded assignments, homework and announcements. Projects will be assigned throughout the year. Projects will vary and are designed to enrich learning and provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge in an alternative format.

Grading Policy
All classwork and homework will be assigned a point value based on the assignment’s rigor. Points are cumulative for the entire term.

Absences/Late and Missing Assignments
When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain their make-up work. Students should check the whiteboard to see what assignments they have missed. I keep a set of weekly file folders for absent work. Absent work should be made up within a timely manner. Missing assignments will be given a zero in the grade-book. When checking the online grade book, there may be a blank score given and this indicates that it has not been graded yet. My hope is to have the grade book up to date every Monday evening, so that students completing grade checks during Advisory on Tuesday mornings will have accurate and up to date information regarding their social studies assignments.

Classroom Procedures
It is expected that students are seated in their assigned seats when the bell rings. Being on time and ready to learn is crucial,I want to maximize learning time. At the beginning of class, students will quietly fill out their planners while attendance is being taken. Students should turn in homework to the designated basket at the beginning of class. Students are required to bring their organized binder, planner, P.A.C.K. Card, 2 sharpened pencils, and completed assignments to class each day. Students are expected to clean up their workspace, complete an exit ticket, update their planners to indicate homework (if necessary), and be quietly standing behind their pushed in chairs before dismissal. Students will be dismissed by the teacher.

Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to follow the Arts & Technology Academy code of conduct.
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible

Every student will be given a P.A.C.K. Card to bring to class each day by their advisory teacher. New cards will be issued every trimester. We ask that the returned cards have a completed student reflection and a parent/guardian signature at the end of each trimester. This card will track both positive and negative behaviors. Parents and guardians are encouraged to look over their students card regularly. You will find this card in the student’s planner.
Students who are not following the code of conduct and causing minor disturbances will receive a verbal or nonverbal reminder. If disruptive behavior continues, the student will receive a written warning on their P.A.C.K. Card. If the behavior continues a Level 2 referral may be written. Students will be required to have a parent or guardian sign the level 2 form and return to issuing teacher. A teacher/student conference with a written reflection may occur. If behavior is severely disruptive, the student may be referred to administration for disciplinary action (official Level 3).
Students who continually receive positive recognition on their P.A.C.K. Card can earn classroom rewards such as wolf bucks, PAWsitive Coupons, and Positive Referrals.

Contact Information
Parents/Guardians who need to contact me can reach me by e-mail at or via phone 541 790-5719 I’m happy to also make arrangements to meet after school.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

April Nelson
6th Grade Social Studies
Arts and Technology Academy
1650 W 22nd Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405

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