October 23, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Filed under: October 2015 Planner and Assignments from the days before — montgomery @ 7:13 am

Thursday, October 22, 2015. No computers today unless we finish early. Then play “Executive Command” or another iCivics game relating to the Executive Branch.

Essential Question(s) for today:

What are the parts of of the Executive Branch?
What are the duties of the Executive Branch?

LA/SS: Senate and H of R present and vote on bills re: seating chart. Quiz: Executive Branch. Minting money iCivics lesson – Kids’ coin.

Homework DUE TODAY: You should have studied your notes and packets for a quiz on the Executive Branch.

HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW: Read Read Read – We are going to the library next week.

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