CY staff preparing for students

The CY teachers and educational assistants are hard at work preparing for students to return next week.  During August 29 – 31, the staff will collaborate on goals, instructional practice and our shared practices.  To see a few of our great CY staff members, see the photo gallery below….

School is almost here!

We have only two weeks until the CY staff (and WEB leaders) greet 6th grade students on Sept. 5th.  Our staff is eager to welcome students and families back to school.  If you are interested in supporting the office staff during registration on August 28th (noon to 4pm) for 6th graders or August 30th (noon to 4pm) for 7th/8th graders, then please visit the volunteer sign up website at  The opportunity is listed as #24 on the list and we need 15-ish if you would like to invite some friends.

Thank you for any help you can provide.  Have a wonderful last few weeks of summer.



Who is Chris? – Autobiographical Statement

I was raised in Northern Virginia by two working parents who strongly valued education.  My mother was a guidance counselor and her commitment to public schools is what eventually led to my pursuit of a career in education.  I have an interest in life science and, therefore, earned a bachelor degree (VT) and master degree (GMU) in life science and secondary teaching of life sciences (biology).
As a young husband and father, my family made a move to the Pacific Northwest and I was fortunate to land my first teaching job at Springfield High School as a biology instructor.  I taught science at SHS for 10 years (5 full time and 5 part time); After the first five years, I accepted a position as a science TOSA (teacher on special assignment) to teach water and electricity conservation and science topics to students throughout Springfield through an EWEB grant.  After ten years teaching in Springfield, I pursued an administrative career as the assistant principal at Springfield Middle School (2 years), then Springfield High School (2 years).  In 2012, I was hired to be the principal at Roosevelt Middle School in 4j School district and, over the 6 years there, I had experiences that included closing a school after a full school design/re-build, then the opening of a new middle school in 2016.  Now, as the principal of Cal Young, I look forward to supporting the community and staff to meet the CY mission… Cal Young seeks to prepare all students in a safeempowering, and respectful community for 21st century success.
While I have over 20 years of professional learning about high quality instructional practices, promoting positive school climate, and effective school leadership, I have also learned many lessons about educating children through my family experiences.  My wife and I have raised four children who have (or will) attend Cal Young Middle School.  Two of my children are in college and one is at Sheldon High School.  My youngest child, Langston, will be at CY in a few years.  My own experiences with four children in school have reinforced so many lessons of the diversity of students, the social and emotional difficulties of adolescence, and the challenges families experience in supporting their children.