Ms. Dunbar’s Courageous Conversations Classes

Background Information

Database Passwords When You’re Away from CHS
(You must log in to your 4J Google Docs account first to read the document!)

Find background information on a wide array of topics, events and people. Get the database password for World Book. (You must log in to your 4J Google Docs account first to read the password list!)

eBooks and reference material about many topics. Gale login from home.

General Databases

Read a variety of opinions and viewpoints about controversial issues. Gale login from home.

Find information on a variety of topics. This database is designed specifically for high school students. Gale login from home.




A great one-stop database with thousands of journal, magazine and newspaper articles. EBSCO login from home.

Use this ONLY if you’re not finding enough information in other databases. This searches EVERY Gale database. Gale login from home.


Find databases on history, environmental studies, health, psychology, fine arts and more.

Google Advanced Search
If using Google for research, use this type of search. You can more accurately narrow the results list. 

Citation Resources

Remember to download the EasyBib Add-On in Google Docs.

Watch this video tutorial on how to use and install the EasyBib Add-On in Google Docs to create your Works Cited page.

MLA Guide
Tips and Examples for Using MLA 8 format from Purdue University.

MLA Resources
More MLA 8 Tips.