Monthly Archives: October 2016

Externalities Day 6

Econ, Externalities Day 6, Weds, Nov 2nd Work on Externalities Problem Set Work on Fake IB Test/Review correct answers Time to study or work on video project Test and Externalities Problem set due this coming monday, video project due Monday the 14th Share

Religions Day 9

V&B, Religions Day 9, Mon/Tues 31st/1st Test bubble & Written Gallery Walk of Posters Share

Externalities Day 5

Econ, Externalities Day 5, Mon/Tues, Oct 31st/Nov 1st Practice Externalities Read Pages 378-380 Paper 1 instructions Begin Practice Test Study Guide/Test next Monday the 7th: Formulas (PED, XED, YED, PES, substitutes/complimentary goods (+/-), Diagrams of elasticities, revenue calculation, calculating elasticities, determinants of elasticities, percentage tax, specific tax, impact of subisidies and taxation on stakeholders, Shifting […]

Religions Day 8

V&B, Religions Day 8, Fri/Mon 28th/31th Start DBQ analysis for in-class essay Share

Externalities Day 4

Econ, Externalities Day 4, Friday, Oct 31st Finish Externalities Problem worksheet Start Video Project Homework: Video due Monday the 7th Share

Religions Day 7

V&B, Religions Day 7, Weds/Thurs October 26th/27th Review importance of Myth Lijebake Work time on Posters Poster Projects due this coming Monday/Tuesday as well as unit test Share

Externalities Day 3

Econ, Externalities Day 3, Weds/Thurs, Oct 26th/Oct 27th Lecture on Chapter 13, Finish Study guide Internal Assessment Final Drafts due on Friday in paper format and on Share

Internal Assessment Day 6

Econ, Internal Assessment Day 6, Tues, October 25th Peer edit internal assessment rough draft Internal Assessment Final Drafts due on Friday in paper format and on Share

Religions Day 6

V&B, Religions Day 6, Tues/Weds October 25th/26th Work on Myth and Culture Research Poster Project Review study guide for Religions Test Myth and Culture Research Poster Project due next Monday/Tuesday, 31st/1st     Share

Externalities Day 2

Econ, Externalities Day 2, Fri/Monday, Oct 21st/Oct 24th Continue Market Failure Chapter Lecture and Reading Internal Assessment due Tuesday the 25th Share