Greetings Climate Researchers!

This site will provide you with some reliable resources for your research and some guidance on creating citations. Use these resources first, and only turn to internet browsing if you can’t find any information and you’ve already asked for help from Ms. Kunz. Remember to always evaluate the source of your information based on its Authority (who wrote it?), potential Bias, and Currency (is it up to date?). 

Log into 4J Google Docs and have one person create and share a Climate Change Project Works Cited page first. The EasyBib add-on can help you manage your bibliography.
Create your citation list as you gather your information–it’s a lot more time, work, and stress to try to create it at the end of your project, and can result in accidental plagiarism.

Books on Climate Change are on display on the bookcase near the computers.

Citation for a book includes the following information in this format:
Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.

For example:
Romm, Joseph. Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University
     Press, 2018.

Your Works Cited page should look like this example. Remember that a URL (website address) alone is NOT a citation!
Use the EasyBib add-on in Google docs, Citation Maker, or consult the Purdue OWL for more MLA citation help if you need to.

World Book Online
An Encyclopedia is an excellent place to gather basic information on a topic.

Gale in Context: High School
A good database to start with for any topic.

Gale in Context: Science
A database full of information and articles on all things science.

Gale eBooks
An extensive online library of e-books. Remember to look at publication date when evaluating usefulness.

Gale in Context: Environmental Studies
A science and environment database. 
A reliable website created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

NOTE: All databases require passwords if accessed from home:

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Copy = Command + C
Paste = Command + V
Find = Command + F

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Image search>Tools>Usage Rights