Archive for the 'Science' Category

Dec 08 2017

Trimester-2 Science Goal

Filed under Science

For this trimester in science I want to get all my work done on time and well, also I want to work hard on my understanding the CERs that are given. To do this I will complete all my all my homework if given pay attention in class and complete all class work.

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Nov 27 2017

Weekly Goal-6

Filed under Science

This week is the last week in the term and I want to finish with all A’s and have a good report by the teachers that I have. To accomplish this goal I will work hard this week in every class and ask questions in class.

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Nov 16 2017

Weekly Reflection-5

Filed under Science

For my goal I think I did really well I got all my work done and had lots of fun doing too. Also, my homework was all done and very few things that I did not under stand which is also very good. So, for this week at Cal Young I think I well completed my goal.

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Nov 13 2017

Weekly Goal-5

Filed under Science

This week at cal young my goal is to have fun in class and complete all my work in class. To achieve and his goal I will pay attention in class and participate in all class work.

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Nov 06 2017

Weekly Goal-4

Filed under Science

In this week at cal young my goal is to have fun at school, complete all my homework, and have time for family activities after school. Also to listen to my teachers and complete class work and know how to show it to the class. That’s my goal for this week at cal young.

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Nov 03 2017

Weekly Reflection-3

Filed under Science

In this week at cal young I think I did good at accomplishing  my weekly goal I completed all my homework on time and presented my class work well I think.

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Oct 30 2017

Weekly Goal-3

Filed under Science

In this week of school at cal young my goal is to work hard in the classroom and out at any other activities I might do. Also I want have all my homework completed and ready every day.

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Oct 12 2016

Weekly Update #1-Science

Filed under Science

This week in Science we learned that we are going to learn about hoe light works. I was very Fascinated of the topic I can’t wait to dig into the topic. This is trimester is going to be great I can’t wait DIG! IN!

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