AUSCHWITZ CAMP: New Inmates Arrive

AUSCHWITZ: New inmates arrive and cause a stir. A rumor had been circulating the guards about inmates lying about their age when asked upon arrival. It is said that new arrivals are let off of the trains, veteran inmates yell from behind the fence suggested age for best survival through inspection. This worries authorities because the number of inmates has been increasing steadily. Kapos insure though that this will not happen for very much longer because they will be implementing a new route to the entrance. What they are more worried about is the increasing number of inmates getting away with gold crowns and other valuable items hidden in their mouths. There has been several instances of fighting between inmates based on the refusal to give up their precious gold crown. Guards turn the other way from this because this just means less work for them. A good tip for new inmates, keep the crown for as long as you can and trade it for something that will benefit you. Some options for this are, shoes, shoelaces, extra rations, and more blankets. Better shoes allow for more foot protection from things on the floor of your work space, and the shoes will wear out quickly, so good shoe laces and shoes are important. Food is scarce, so extra rations, are self explanatory.

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