BUNA CAMP: Boy sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong, faces consequences.

Buna: In mid afternoon every inmate was summoned back to their block. Everyone obeyed. Except a young jewish boy who decided to take a quick look around. As he stumbled into a somewhat seeming abandoned warehouse he noticed a sound of movement in a room near bye. As he peaked into the room he saw Kapo Idek fooling around with a young Polish girl. He tried to hide his laughter but one slipped out. He was sworn that revenge would come to him very soon. The young boys day came for sure when everyone was summoned to the courtyard to watch this young boy get whipped for his wrong doings. He was whipped 25 times. As the whipping continued you could see him slowly getting numb to the crack of the whip against his skin. As he walked away authority came to give him one last warning, unknown at the time to onlookers. Maybe people will think twice before getting into someone else’s business.

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