“Poetry is the fire in the writer’s blood.”


 fancying fortune

Ask not good fortune

Henceforth you whimper no more,

Content just being

The Pyromancer

He is the flame upon the pyre

Or so that is what we are told

His time is dire

Yet he is only a second old

His only desire

To engulf the world in fire.

Lost at Sea


A pleading cry,


As the earth touches the sky

I am left with my pondering

The ocean ablaze

With the sun’s last searing gaze

A man sits

His mind churning

He is lost in his yearning


A happy farm dog

Oblivious and lost

Enjoys a hillside

Pleasant and warm in the sun

Giving chase to a stray sheep


The two sheep argue

Stomping their hooves angrily

Murmuring of strength

A headstrong Rambouillet

Horns pointed towards the sky



An Anchor in a Storm

Dwelling within the sinews of one’s chest

Buried beneath flesh, bone, and scar

Its elusive glimmer benounced to the eye

Nevertheless, despair was born neglect of boundaries

And what one in its clutches would give for a meer gander of hope

Folly though is the one who seeks to gaze upon hope, as elusive as its glimmer is

Hope is meant to be listened to

Guiding with a song alike that of a tender heartbeat

So faint one would have to forgo the pleasures of vision to find it

And so it is that the blind man knows his way through the dark

Where as those who seek to see through the dark are left alone with the haze of their despair.

Born Alone

We fear the loss of our other

For the fear of loneliness

The fear of being alone,

But what if you never had another?

Your day wrought with lackluster

You sing a sad tune

For the one you could have lost

Your unwillingness came at a cost

And with no other you are already alone.

The Forest Hallow

The pleasant crickle of a nearby brook

A pleasant hum

Amidst the forest fog,

The mossy trees

And the fox hallows,

The humid air thick in your lungs,

Filling you with the taste of the forest

A taste of life.

 Fancying Fortune

Ask not good fortune

Henceforth you whimper no more,

Content just being

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