Author Archives: Kreg Hulings

TOK: December 17-18, 2019

Hello! Today we will start looking at some seminal experiments in Human Science.

  1. 5-10 minutes (If necessary): Complete notes on methods in the Human Sciences.
  2. In groups of roughly 3, you will research and report back to the class about a famous experiment in Human Sciences. I will assign the experiments.
  3. The format of your report to the class will be a slide presentation of about 4-5 minutes. You may include video clips, but they should not be more than 2 minutes.
  4. You will present these next class.

Homework: Complete report on experiments.

HOTA: December 10, 2019

Reconstruction, Day 2

WE WILL TALK ABOUT THE HOMEWORK LATER IN CLASS. Today we you will work together to answer some of the difficult questions that newly freed slaves had to grapple with in the aftermath of the Civil War and the end of slavery.

1) What do you think will happen to people recently freed from slavery?

  • Read “Freedmen and Women”
  • Create an identity for yourself as a former slave and write an internal monologue about your experiences and hopes for the future. Some things to think about:
    • What hardships have you endured? What heartbreak have you experienced? What have your relationships been like (with whites and slaves)? What are your dreams for the future?
    • You have 10 minutes.

2. Reconstructing the South: Problems

  • As a class, you will discuss, debate and answer the 6 questions on the following pages. You will decide how you do that, but everyone must participate. The process and your participation in it are what you will be graded on today.

3. With the time remaining, make sure you have all of the information from the homework reading from last night.

Homework: None

HOTA: November 22, 2019

Today you will be making your Jeopardy game on Generals of the Civil War.

1) Read this brief article on how to write good Jeopardy questions.

2) Get together with your group. You should all have your packets and detailed notes from last class.

3) Go to and click on “Create a Jeoparrdy Game”. You will create a password that enables you to edit it any time.

4) The title of your game should contain each of your names. Create your game, making sure your questions are precise and there is only 1 possible correct answer. Your questions should get more difficult in each category as the point value goes up.

5) You should have one whole category for Lee and one for Grant. The other 3 categories are up to you, but EVERY GENERAL DISCUSSED IN THE READING MUST HAVE AT LEAST 1 CLUE. Some possible categories might include: “Union Leaders”, “Confederate Leaders”, “Battles”, “Potpourri”, etc.

6) When you are done, click “Save and Create”. Then, email it to me at

HOTA: November 21, 2019

Today we are going to finish up the Battle of Gettysburg and begin learning about some of the important military leaders of the Civil War.

1. Finish Gettysburg

2. Jeopardy- Civil War Leaders edition

  • In groups of 3 or 4, turn to page 202 in your packets and begin reading and taking notes on the military leaders.
  • You need to take specific notes so that you can write detailed answers in your jeopardy game.
  • Go to and click on “Create a Jeopardy Game”
  • Write specific answers so that it is very clear what the question is. (In Jeopardy, you are given clue that is in the form of a statement, and you need to respond in the form of a question.)
  • You should have an entire category for Lee and one for Grant. You decide on the other 3 categories, but you should have at least 1 clue about each General mentioned in the reading.