le 7 au 10 novembre 2022

Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday and Thursday, November 9-10:  NO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher conferences (8-8, then 8-12)
  • Friday, November 10:  NO SCHOOL (Veterans Day)
  • Thursday and Friday, November 24-25:  NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving)

What’s up! Quoi de neuf?

Please make sure to send your child to school in proper footwear and a water-repellent jacket when the weather is threatening. Students will go out to recess unless the principal decides that the weather or air quality prevents it. If your child is ill, or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep her/him home. Please continue to follow current Covid rules as well. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers (kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu) and Bernadette (conover_b@4j.lane.edu) or please call in and leave a message on the school line (541) 790-7080.

Also, please remember to send a snack! It is recommended to students that they put a snack in their backpack with their homework folder every evening, then put the backpack next to the door from which they leave.

Le français:

Mme Jana, French & Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu

•We do our best to express ourselves in French.

•We have a positive attitude and growth mindset.

•We look for patterns in language.

We have begun French-only and most students are doing just fine with it.

Each student received his/her/their own first and last name for tracing in cursive. This week, I am gone on Monday, so my French-speaking sub, Andrea Fox, will work on cursive letters P, B, and R. (I apprised the kids that I would be gone.)  

No French homework this very short week.

This past week, we conjugated verbs ending in –er (90% of verbs), then in coming weeks, we’ll work on pouvoir (to be able), vouloir (to want), mettre (to put or place), prendre (to take), tenir (to hold), venir (to come), and devoir (to have to). 

We began reading and phonics instruction last week.! I did reading groups, and Lisa did phonics instruction at the same time with a different group. Other groups worked on grammar and word work.

Students had some time to work on the “Moi!” project which is all about them… in French. Many students have completed their art, and many more are in the midst of writing their paragraphs in cursive. Students are at a number of different points in the project. Quite a few students have completed the project already, and they are hanging in the stairwell that leads down to our level. Take a look for them when you come for parent/teacher conferences. A couple of students have completed their “Tubes” art project, which we’ve begun to hang in our classroom.

Les sciences: 

We began our chemical weathering (l’usure chimique) experiment. Each group got to observe what happened when vinegar (le vinaigre) was added to four different kinds of stones, basalt (le basalte), marble (le marbre), limestone (le calcaire), and sandstone (le grès). They were meant to look for signs of a chemical reaction (une réaction chimique) between the stones and the vinegar. Next, we dumped the vinegar and stones into our little science trays, so on Tuesday, we’ll examine them for differences, and see what happens to the stones as the vinegar evaporates. We’ll be linking up to a social studies project on Oregon in English class and learning French vocabulary words for landforms. We began learning some landforms vocabulary and did some drawing and labelling.

Mme Shelli, English & Math

Unit 3: Multiplication and Division Strategies with larger numbers.

Here are some key concepts of the this unit:

1. Place value understanding allows us to multiply and divide multi-digit numbers in different ways.

2. We can model multiplication and division using a visual, area model.

We discussed and modeled a variety of strategies for multiplying one digit by larger numbers last week. This week, students will build models of two digit times two digit multiplication and will solve problems involving multi-digit multiplication. The goal of this process, is to build on the CONCEPT of multiplication, not necessarily to be fast and efficient or to use the standard algorithm yet. Here are a few video of teachers showing some strategies for understanding larger digit multiplication: Video 1 Video 2. Video 3

There is one night of HOMEWORK this week. Students will select one side of the page to complete; one side solves problems with a visual model, the other side has the standard algorithm. In addition to homework, most students need to continue to practice through games or flash cards facts of x6, x 7, x8, x9.


English & Social Studies:

This week, students will do some brief research about a group of Oregon’s indigenous people and how they historically lived in Oregon’s regions. We will also be learning about Oregon’s current 9 Federally recognized tribes.  This unit, while focusing on writing and reading skills, integrates the Geography and Historical Knowledge understandings in Oregon’s 4th grade Social Studies standards. You can find these online here.

FREE National Parks Pass for every 4th grader:

Last Thursday, a park ranger from the National Parks Service visited us and built up students’ excitement about visiting the outdoors. Your child should have brought home to you a National Parks Pass. This valuable pass is good through August 31st, 2023 for FREE admission to National Park and many federal lands. Find out more at Every Kid Outdoors. If you lose the pass, you can apply for a replacement pass on the website.

There are many places right here in Oregon that you can use the pass for day use: National Forests, Cape Perpetua, Ft. Clatsop, Crater Lake, Oregon Caves, BLM lands and more.