le 31 mai au 3 juin 2022

Attention:  If you know that you will not be returning to Charlemagne next year please send a note to Mme Bernadette at conover_b@4j.lane.edu so she can work to transition your student’s files to his next school.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, May 30 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day

June 8, at 7:30 PM –Canoe Island parent-information meeting via Zoom on Wednesday

Friday, June 10- NO SCHOOL for students as teachers prepare report cards

Tuesday, June 14 – History projects due no later than this date. See English section below for a description.

Friday, June 17 – Last day of school! Field Day – 11:45 dismissal.

Visiting Artist

Cajun Fiddle:

We will enjoy our final week with Cajun fiddle artist-in-residence Kelly Thibodeaux this week. Each class will have three sessions. Here is a link if you want to learn more about Kelly and his program:  http://lanearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/KellyThibodeauxArtOfFiddling.pdf

Le français:

Mme Jana, French & Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu

•We conjugate verbs in our writing and speaking.

•We are reading passages in French to glean pertinent information.

•We present our country to other students. We stand straight, enunciate, pronounce French words correctly, are prepared to share dates and statistics in French, and demonstrate that we know our country.

•We listen to other students’ presentations to learn about other francophone countries, and we learn to ask appropriate questions and to share pertinent and pleasant comments.

Most students have completed and even presented their francophone country. We will finish up this week, and projects will come home either at the end of this week or next. They have done a great job, even though it’s just their first time presenting something this lengthy in front of a group. I will be asking students to present their francophone countries to families at home. They represent a lot of work.

We began spring French assessments a couple of weeks ago, and nearly everyone has completed reading, comprehension, and writing. We’ll spend the next couple of weeks completing assessments in Listening and Speaking.

Mme Shelli, English & Math

Review Unit: Calculating with four operations

The first two days this week, we will review addition and subtraction of multiple digits with regrouping (borrowing/ carrying). Fourth graders should be able to efficiently add & subtract any number of digits. Next, we will review various strategies of multiplying multi-digit numbers. Students should be able to multiply 4 digit by 1 digit numbers using the standard algorithm and to multiply using strategies such as using the area model for two or three digit numbers. As we finish each section of review, students will complete a review quiz. Students will bring these quizzes home the last week of school for you to see what they have mastered this year.


Look for your child’s Mars science fiction narrative this week. Have your child read their story to you. Though the writing is not without error, students worked hard to use some of the vocabulary and facts they learned while reading about Mars to create a complete narrative. The writing shows what your child can do after self-editing and some peer review.

Over the next 12 days of school we will move onto our final unit Oregon: How it became a state.  Students will be reading several non-fiction texts, listening to a few read-alouds about the Oregon trail, and reading about how the westward expansion of the United States affected various people groups. As students read, they will record notes and will  make a U.S. historical Map & timeline. Students will create Oregon history board games to play during the last week of school to wrap up the unit. They’ll bring these home for you to play, too.


To encourage students to learn about their own histories, the homework for the next few weeks is a personal history project. This can be as formal or informal as your family has time for, but the general requirements are:

At home, talk with your parents about family stories. How did your ancestors or others end up in Oregon?  With your parent’s help, choose one of the following and be prepared to share it with the class:

I.  Make a family tree

II. Write or type a family story that is important or interesting to you. (Talk with a parent, grandparent, or another person important to you.)

III. Find out about someone’s family history.

IV. Find out about someone in history (not in your family) who traveled on the Oregon Trail or who immigrated to America. 

This is not a graded assignment, but it is meant to be a way for students to connect history to their lives. Though students may create a product such as a poster or a report or interview, the evaluation will focus on how to speak in front of a group using eye contact and audible volume. If you have any questions or if you think your child will need support on this project, please let Shelli know (hopper_s@4j.lane.edu).

Mme Lacey, our student teacher

Mme Lacey will start to phase out of lead teaching this week. She’s wrapping up her UOteach requirements and will finish her time with us around June 9th.
Interested in getting tutoring over the summer? Please contact Mme Jana if you need a French tutor. I have several contacts, and one is below:
Carrie Grabowski, our long-time 5th-grade French teacher is tutoring via Zoom. Please contact her at clgrabowski@gmail.com: