le 2 au 6 mai 2022

Upcoming Dates

Monday-Thursday, May 9-12 – Oregon State Testing- English Language Arts

Monday-Wednesday, May 16-18 – Oregon State Testing- Math (More details will be provided in weeks to come.)

Monday, May 30 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day

Language Arts Adoption Parent Survey

As you may know, our class has had an important role in the language arts adoption process where we are selecting a new reading and writing program for our school district. Your student is finishing the second of two 5-week language arts program trials. Parent input is an important part of our process and you may have also received a similar survey after the first program.  The district would love your feedback on this survey.

Visiting Artists

Cajun Fiddle:

We begin working with our cajun fiddle artist-in-residence Kelly Thibodeaux this week. The fourth grade’s turn is on Thursday. Kelly teaches the Art of Fiddling & the Mystique of Louisiana, a comprehensive short-term fiddle teaching program. He will return for our second session the week of May 31. Here is a link if you want to learn more about Kelly and his program:  http://lanearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/KellyThibodeauxArtOfFiddling.pdf

Visual Art:

We enjoyed our first session with our Artist in Residency Jen Hernandez last week. She will be at Charlemagne again 5/12 and 5/19 creating a Kindness and Art projects with our students. Last week she helped students to create a sketch book to give to a classmate. In addition to art, students discuss how kindness feels to experience (both by being kind and receiving kindness) and expression of those feelings through body movement, words, and visual art. 

Le français:

Mme Jana, French & Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu

•We conjugate verbs in our writing and speaking.

•We are learning to use the Internet to locate specific information.

•We are reading passages in French to glean pertinent information.

•We are reading, writing, and speaking  French as we learn about countries where French is an official language. 

Last week, we conjugated the verb devoir (to have to/must), which is an important verb in French. This week we will continue to work predominantly on the francophone country project. We will also work on prepositions and partitives, working to master à, à la, au, aux, de la, du, de l’, and des. We will begin a new “J’observe…” this week and the blue class will choose that photo.

There is no French homework this week. The average score between the two classes for last week’s quiz was 25/28 or ≈90%. If your child is not demonstrating understanding on his/her/their quizzes, he/she/they need(s) to either study more, practice with the meanings more, or ask for help, because I make it highly possible to be successful. Please remember that understanding the vocabulary is more important than the spelling of the words.

The tessellation projects are coming home this week. 

Les sciences humaines (Social studies):  

We continue our Francophone country project. Some kids are on their ninth side of 12 already. Others are on their third or fourth side. They’re at all different places. I’m hoping some kids will start to put their dodecahedrons together this week, and we can begin presentations next week.

Fractions: Unit 10: Solving problems with addition of mixed numbers and fractions. 


Key Concepts:

We can replace a mixed number with an equivalent fraction to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
In fourth grade, students should begin to understand the abstract concept of fractions, but we started with a review of models of fractions. Students practiced physically constructing mixed numbers with fraction pieces last week and saw the visual connection to improper fractions. In this unit, students will become flexible with fractions, being able to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers to add and subtract.
This week, students will also learn how to read and create line plot graphs. They will  measure objects to the nearest quarter inch and will record their data on a line plot.
PLEASE help your child become FLUENT in multiplication facts up through 12 x12.  Games and daily practice can help. Look here for a list of ideas for practice at home.


There is nightly math review homework this week.


We begin a 3-4 week science fiction unit this week. First students will read a portion of War of the Worlds Radio broadcast. Then, they will read a non-fiction text about the planet Mars. To finish, they will have the opportunity to write a narrative science fiction text using some of the science the read about.

This week we will:

  • Read and listen to a clip of the radio play “War of the Worlds”
  • Analyze plot & elements of drama, and summarize
  • Read about the history of radio

Mme Lacey, our student teacher

Mme Lacey continues to take the lead in teaching English and math this week.