le 29 novembre au 3 décembre 2021

As we approach the holidays, please make sure to let Bernadette and both teachers know if your child will be missing any regular school days. It helps us with our planning to know, so please email us all!

Upcoming Dates

Monday, December 6 – New NO SCHOOL day, Teacher planning

Monday, December 20 – Monday, January 3 –  NO SCHOOL, Winter Break!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 – First day back for students

Le français:

Mme Jana, French & Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu

•We speak only French in the French classroom.

•We conjugate verbs correctly and use them correctly in sentences.

•We have a positive attitude and growth mindset.

Well, we have three nearly full weeks of school before winter break, and we turn the calendar to December (décembre) this week, so here we go! I will be absent on Wednesday, December 1. My guest teacher will be Rebecca Harlan who used to be one of the French immersion teachers at Roosevelt. She has subbed for me many times in past years and will take good care of the students.

The French homework this week is mostly punctuation terms, plus a couple of terms the students misuse:  un alinéa (indent), la virgule (,)(comma), comment (how/what), comme (like, as), un apostrophe (‘)(apostrophe), le sac à dos (backpack), un accent aigu (´)(acute accent), un accent grave (`)(grave accent), un accent circonflexe (ˆ)(circumflex accent), et le tréma (¨)(diaeresis/umlaut). We did not conjugate the verb être last week as I had hoped, so we will this week, and we will also review the verb avoir for homework coming up in January. Normally, I do not give homework the week before holidays, so this may be the last French homework of this year. 

In cursive this past week, we continued with uppercase letters (les majuscules) with the letters N & M. This week, we’ll do H, K, T, and F. We will continue to work on first and last names in cursive. We continue with the French typing program, Tap’Touche. 

This past week, at least one class began our new art project (see model at left), which is an exercise in reflection symmetry with their names that ends up looking like a piece of stained glass (un vitrail). See if you can find the name Jana in the artwork. We will do a sample one, then hopefully will begin our final project late this week. Students who have not completed their  “Tubes” art were asked to finish the project up at home. Most students have completed the “Moi” project. Those students who have not yet completed the project were asked to finish the project up at home over the Thanksgiving break. No further class time will be allotted to completing these two projects. The completed “Moi” projects will go home at the end of next week!

“Moi!” projects in the hallway

“Tubes” projects in the classroom








Les sciences:

A week ago, we did a science experiment that uses stream tables to demonstrate the actions of erosion (l’érosion) and deposition (la déposition). The kids got to see how pieces of rock move from one area to another with normal water flow. This week, we’ll do the same experiment with a flood simulation. Students also read our science unit in English in Mme Shelli’s class. We hope this will help solidify comprehension of the material. Last week, we didn’t do an experiment, but we did learn some landform terminology like un canyon (canyon), une plaine inondable (floodplain), and une sinuosité (a curve). This week, we will also do a foldable to help understand erosion and deposition more deeply.

Mme Shelli, English & Math


This week:

•We can multiply multi-digit numbers using mental math and area model strategies.

•We can use our knowledge of multiplication and division to solve probems of area and perimeter.

In class: We wrap up unit 3: Multiplication & Division Stories with Larger Numbers. Next, we are building conceptual understanding of division & multiplication to solve area and perimeter problems. The goal of the unit is for students to build on the concept of inverse of multiplication, division, NOT to simply learn the traditional algorithm of division, so please do not press your child into learning the algorithm of “long division.” Don’t worry, though, this will be taught in 5th grade after multiple division strategies are experienced in 4th grade. Students will learn the standard algorithm for multiplication, but at this point, we encourage students to draw models and explore what happens when we multiply.

Math Homework: No regular math homework this week. There will be an optional multiplication game for students and families to play during the week.  Students who bring it back signed will be entered into a prize drawing on Friday, December 3rd.

English & Social Studies

•We will learn about Oregon’s indigenous people and how they historically lived in Oregon’s varied geography.

•We will read non-fiction articles and books to determine the key details to include in notes.

Following Oregon’s new curriculum about Tribal History/ Shared history  which include  presentations created by the Grand Rond Tribe of Oregon and other federally recognized tribes, students will will learn about Oregon’s first people’s traditional way of life. You can learn more about the state’s new curriculum here. Students will select a tribe to research and will begin collecting information about how that tribe lived in a region of Oregon before European arrival. The students’ research notes will guide their writing a 5+ paragraph essay next week.

For word study this week, students will  analyze words identifying their base words, prefixes and suffixes. We will continue our focus on the suffix endings of -ible & -able this week.

Other News

Clothing & footwear

The district has installed large, outdoor tents to cover our outdoor eating area. Yay! Recess and lunchtimes are spent outdoors, so please send your children to school in weather-appropriate layers and footwear. Lots of kids are coming to school without coats, especially without raincoats. If your child has lost something, the lost and found is available outside and behind the cafeteria so that parents can help their child look for lost items outside of the school.