le 8 au 10 novembre 2021

Clothing & footwear

The district has just installed large outdoor tents to cover our outdoor eating area. Yay! Recess and lunchtimes are spent outdoors, so please send your children to school in weather-appropriate layers and footwear. Lots of kids are coming to school without coats, especially without raincoats. If your child has lost something, the lost and found is available outside and behind the cafeteria so that parents can help their child look for lost items outside of the school.

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, November 9 -Regular school day & Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8 p.m. (via Zoom)

Wednesday, November 10 – No students at school; Parent/Teacher Conferences 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (via Zoom)

Thursday & Friday, November 11-12  – NO SCHOOL, Veterans Day

Thursday, November 18Picture Retakes

Friday, November 19Health Screening – vision & dental

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Here are the links to the schedules. See you on Tuesday or Wednesday on Zoom!

Mme Jana/Blue class Fall conference sign-up blue class 

Mme Shelli/Red class: Fall conference sign-up red class

Students will create a Seesaw post to be shared at parent teacher conferences that will include samples of French, English, Math, Art and Social Studies projects they are doing in class.

  • If you wish to conference with PE – Erinmarie Langsdorf, or Music – Kelli Doyle, please email them at langsdorf_e@4j.lane.edu (PE) or doyle_k@4j.lane.edu (Music) so they can add you to their schedule.

Le français:

Mme Jana, French & Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu

•We do our best to express ourselves in French.

•We will write a four-sentence paragraph in French using sentence starters.

•We continue to learn how to use a translating dictionary.

•We have a positive attitude and growth mindset.

I only gave one dommage this first week of only speaking French in the French classroom. Go us!

We did our second “J’observe…” (finally) this week, and the kids are working on forming proper, interesting sentences in French. We will spend a lot of time on the writing process this year.

No French homework this week; the week is too short. In class, we’re working regularly on grammar and on conjugating verbs. There will be French homework next week.

In cursive this past week, we began the uppercase letters (les majuscules) with the letters A, C, O & U. We will also begin working on first names in cursive. We continue with the French typing program, Tap’Touche. 

Several students have completed their “Tubes” art, and we’re hanging them on the wall in the classroom (see below). Several students have now completed the “Moi” project, and they are being hung in the hallway (see below). I also included some samples of students who have completed the assignment.

Les sciences:

This past week, we began the chemical weathering (l’usure chimique) discussion. We are weathering four different kinds of rocks, marble (le marbre), basalt (le basalte), limestone (le calcaire), and sandstone (le grès), in vinegar to mimic the effects of acid rain. Fun stuff even though our room stinks of vinegar (le vinaigre). The masks are coming in handy now! Once the vinegar evaporates, we’ll move on to the next experiment. We’re enjoying observing what’s happening with some of the stones as the vinegar evaporates:








Mme Shelli, English & Math



This week:

  • We can model multiplication of larger numbers in arrays.
  • We can multiply multi-digit numbers using mental math and modeling strategies.

In class: We begin unit 3: Multiplication & Division Stories with Larger Numbers. This unit will continue the next 3 weeks.

Students will continue to work on basic multiplication fact fluency through x1- x 12, learning most from memory and having strategies for trickier facts. At home or in the car, consider reviewing facts every day for a few minutes until your child has mastered most facts. Then, try turning those around to be division problems. (Ex. 6 x 7 = 42 so 42 ÷ 6=7)

For larger numbers, students will use a variety of strategies to multiply and divide in class, building a conceptual understanding. Students will eventually learn the standard algorithm for multiplication, but at this point, we encourage students to draw models and explore.

Math Homework: An optional multiplication  fact fluency game will come home to play with your child. Students who bring the optional homework game signed by a parent confirming they played at least once by Monday 11/15  will be entered into a prize drawing.

English & Social Studies

•We can identify Oregon’s boarder states, major rivers and cities.

•We can research, do a presentation and write a report about our state’s regions.

Students made cover art for their Oregon geography and history booklets last week and started a labeled a map of key geographical locations and cities. This week, students will become “experts” on one of Oregon’s regions and will teach the class what they learned. Students will take notes during peer presentations and will use these the following week to write a multi-paragraph report for their booklets. These booklets will become part of a project that continues through December.