M.A. Hochberg’s Technology for Teaching

Making technology easier for people


9:10 pm

Appleworks and Leopard

With the recent TIP kickoff, many people moved from older computers and Appleworks to Leopard and Pages. Unfortunately, sometimes Appleworks just doesn’t want to run or stay running in OS 10.5 (Leopard). And while you can learn Pages or MS Word, sometimes you just need something printed NOW.

If your Appleworks program opens then immediately closes, here’s what to do.

(By the way, it may one run once each time you log on, then crash the second time you try it.)

  1. Run Disk Utility and repair permissions. Sometimes that alone will help.
  2. Delete Appleworks Preference files:
    1. Go to Macintosh HD/Users/Your Account/Library/Preferences.

      1. Delete the file “com.apple.appleworks.plist”
    2. Go to Macintosh HD/Users/Your Account/Library/Preferences/Appleworks.

      1. Delete these 3 files:
        AppleWorks 6 Assistants Cache
        AppleWorks 6 Preferences
        AppleWorks 6 Translators Cache

Restart the computer. This should fix the problem.

If it doesn’t, try opening Appleworks and changing these preferences.

  1. Go to Appleworks/Preferences/Topic.
  2. Under the General topic, change “At Startup, Show” to “Nothing”
  3. Under the Files topic,
    uncheck “Auto Save” and
    uncheck “Recent Items”
  4. Click on OK and restart the computer.

Good luck! And enjoy Pages and MS Word. Both have some amazing things to offer.


9:06 am

Free Google Posters plus Google for Educators

While I have been known to complain about using Google with primary grade students, Google does have wonderful services.

One of their lesser known services is Google for Educators: http://www.google.com/educators/index.html

With classroom prep time coming up, here’s a page with posters you can print and hang in your room. They come in different sizes so you can also use them as handouts. Topics include doing web searches, using Google Earth or Scholar, etc. http://www.google.com/educators/posters.html