Archive for 'Literature'
Faith, a Short Story by John B. Keane
This story is filled with irony… about three deeply religious, charitable and respectful brothers who put their trust in a person to provide tiles for repairing their roof. They wait, and wait and wait for the delivery of the tiles and finally on the deathbed of the last living brother we finally learn which community […]
Posted: March 30th, 2007 under Literature.
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Fred Rimble, a Short Story by John B. Keane
This is a funny story of how Jim Conlon survives amidst his hypochondriac, exceedingly needy mother, Maggie Conlon, whose manner of operation had already put two husbands in their graves. The only way Jim is able to get some relief from his mother’s excessive complaints and neediness is by creating and telling stories about his […]
Posted: March 26th, 2007 under Literature.
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Irish Alphabet
The first written form of the Irish language was Ogham, pronounced “AWGH (gutteral g) – um”, which consisted of lines carved in wood or stone. Notice that most of the letters are named after a tree/plant. When Christianity arrived in Ireland, the monks, brothers, priests, etc. brought to Ireland the Latin alphabet, which was adapted […]
Posted: February 14th, 2007 under History, Literature.
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