Gabby Thorburn's e-Portfolio

Weekly Update #5 – Broadcast Media

This week in Broadcast Media, we worked on our first PSAs. 😛 😀 We will be making 2 total. 💡 💡 One with still images and one with videos. We are working on the one with still images right now. 💡  🙂  😛 We came up with 3 topics, picked our favorite, then started writing our elevator speeches. ➡ 💡 I finished mine yesterday. 💡 😀 😉 😎 After we got our elevator speeches approved, we started working on our PSA scripts. 💡 🙂 🙂 I am doing my PSA on recycling. 💡 :mrgreen: 💡 :mrgreen: Next week we will be finishing up our scripts and starting our rough-cut PSAs. 🙂 🙂 Then we will peer edit them and produce the final copies! :mrgreen: 🙂 😉 😎 We need to get 6 peer edit signatures. 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡  I am really excited for next week. 😀 I like this project and Broadcast Media a lot. I am excited to work on my project next week.  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

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