Archive for May, 2018

King of the Ocean

King of the Ocean


Powerful and strong

The waves crash against the shore

Like an angry king




The last day of school is always so great

Looking forward to all the adventures ahead

So much free time to do whatever you want

And lots of time to sleep in your own bed


Nothing tops the summer

Swimming in the nice cool lake

When summer ends it’s always a bummer

No one wants to go back to school for heaven’s sake


During summer every day is something new

You can hike a mountain or go to the river so blue

Having fun with friends whenever you want

And eating at your favorite restaurants


Nothing tops the summer

Swimming in the nice cool lake

When summer ends it’s always a bummer

No one wants to go back to school for heaven’s sake

Summer was fun but now it’s come to an end

Time to start school and buy pencils and pens

Sitting in class having no fun

Already thinking about next year’s sun





Poetry is great

Helps express my emotion

In a peaceful way

It can rhyme and be funny

Or be deep and beautiful

Princess Volkonskaya Love Poem

Princess Volkonskaya Love Poem


Dear Zinaida, I know we’ve never met but I’d love to chat sometime.

I see you’re an opera singer, and I love Opera.

I’m very impressed that you stuck with your religion and moved away from home,

Shows that you are very strong willed, and I like that too.

Very generous of you to give that old street women your coat,

Even if it caused you to get sick.

I know you’re still married to Prince Nikita or whatever his name is,

But if I’m ever in Rome, I’d love to give you a call


The Story of Steve

The Story of Steve


Steve loves to sleep

So at night be counts sheep

But today he had a fuss

Because he slept in and missed his bus

He ran after it, fast as he could

But the bus kept going, as it should

So now Steve can’t go to school

But he says to himself, “I guess a day off is cool”





Anger is fierce and irrational

He punches a wall when he can’t find a remote

And honks when he gets cut off in traffic

The smallest things set him off

Like a volcano ready to erupt

But when you really get him going

He becomes rage

You don’t want to meet rage