
Geothermal Power

Background information and initial pro/cons:

1.From the article “Alternative Energy Sources” from the U*X*L Encyclopedia of Science accessed on Gale Student Resources In Context on the CY Library homepage:

Geothermal energy is the natural heat generated in the interior of Earth and released from volcanoes and hot springs or from geysers that emit heated water and steam. Reservoirs of hot water and steam under Earth’s surface can be accessed by drilling through the rock layer. The naturally heated water can be used to heat buildings, while the steam can be used to generate electricity. Steam can also be produced by pumping cold water into rock that is heated by geothermal energy; such steam is then used to produce electric power.

Geothermal energy is an important alternative energy source in areas of geothermal activity, including parts of the United States, Iceland, and Italy. Homes in Boise, Idaho, are heated using geothermal energy, as are most buildings in Iceland. The Geysers in California is the largest steam field in the world and has been used to produce electricity since 1960. Unlike solar energy and wind power, however, the use of geothermal energy has an environmental impact. Chemicals in the steam contribute to air pollution, and water mixed with the steam contains dissolved salts that can corrode pipes and harm aquatic ecosystems.

2. Search for geothermal energy on World Book Online on the CY Library homepage:

3. Read about Geothermal Energy Basics on this site from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory:

4. Watch this video about “Geothermal Energy in Iceland” from A&E Television Networks. 2006, accessed on Learn360 on the CY Library Homepage:

Viewpoint Articles

An article from Energy Alternatives (2006),accessed on Opposing Viewpoints on the CY Library homepage, presents PRO arguments and challenges (CON) in the last section:

Geothermal Energy Is a Promising Alternative Energy Source   (password: oslis)

An article from National Geographic that gives background and presents both PRO and CON viewpoints:
Geothermal Energy: Tapping the Earth’s Heat 

An article from (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2011, that presents the problem of small earthquakes:
Geothermal Energy’s Promise and Problems