Diego Gonzalaz's ePortfolio Just a cool site…

February 27th, 2016

3D Design 2 Build Week #8

This has been a very exciting week of 3D Design 2 Build. It was a lot of fun too. I can’t wait for the weekend to start! It is going to be so much fun!

February 4th, 2016

3D Design 2 build Week #7

This week in 3D Design 2 build, I’m working on my Boat. This class is very fun! I’m typing on Thursday because we have no school tomorrow. I can’t wait till the weekend starts!


January 29th, 2016

3D Design 2 Build Week #6

This week in 3D Design 2 build, I have turned in my hybrid and started my mallet/board and it is looking good so far. I can’t wait for the weekend to start!

January 29th, 2016

3D Design 2 build Week #5

This is week #5 it it has been great. This class is very fun! I have started and ALMOST finished it. I just need to take the screen shots and that’s it. Making the hybrid was VERY frustrating most of the time. But still… this class is very fun!

January 25th, 2016

3D Design 2 Build Week #4

I started 123D Design, and I was thinking of making a UFO. I hope it will look great. This class is very fun! But sometimes, it can get a little frustrating. >: |

January 25th, 2016

3D design 2 Build Week #3

Yay, it is week 3! I can’t wait till the weekend starts. It is gonna be amazing! As always, I love the weekends. : D

January 25th, 2016

3D Design 2 Build Week #2

It is week 2 and i’m finished with my lifelike creature and it looks amazing! It’s gonna look so good when it prints! I have a feeling that it is going to need lots of supports.

January 25th, 2016

3D Design 2 Build Week #1

This week has been fantastic! I’m almost done with my lifelike creature. it just needs nostrils, eyes, a logo on his shirt, and I have to smooth the horns a little bit. I’m going to finish it at home. I can’t wait to print it!

December 4th, 2015

Information Design week #12

I’m so close to being done with my InDesign! It looks awesome so far… I hope you will like it a lot. I know you like my work, so why not my InDesign?!

December 4th, 2015

3D design week #12

This week in 3D Design, I have finally shaped out my 3D tile and it looks AWESOME! I love the fact that the legs of the praying mantis really come out of the tile. I can’t wait to paint and glaze it!