November 7th, 2016

3 Poems

Poem 1: Crazy Image Poem.

Abusive slimy fragrant lice.

Throbbing tangy whining mold.

Sticky veiny exited ear.

Scaly furry pointy eyes.

Heart-brocken bumpy dirt.

I found all of these on your head.


Poem 2: I Am Poem.

I am scared.

I am the Jacket that makes you warm and comfy.

I am the friendship you have with the most amazing people in the world.

I am the laughter you get when you hear a funny joke.

I am the friend that you have that makes you happy all the time.

I am the light that comes from the light bulb.

I am the mysterious thing that caused the bulb to shatter.

I am the darkness that makes you very cautious.

I am the loud noise caused by nothing that makes you soak you cloths with sweat.

I am the door that opened by itself bringing light into the shadowy room as dark as pitch.

I am the blood that wets your skin that you just realized you had on you.

I am scared, until you realize why the blood was there… Everything fades away and turns dark.


Poem 3: What Am I?

I am a part of you… Forever.

I can see you but you can’t see me.

Yet you know that I am there. I am always with you.

You are never alone.

I’m found everywhere.

Inside you.

In your room.

on your friends.


Even on your hair.

You need me.

Without me you’d be dead.

Be thankful that I exist.


I am AIR.