October 12th, 2016

Brand Awareness part 2

Part 2 (Separate “Page”): Find three brands/logos that you really like – can be for any organization, for-profit or non-profit, company, etc. Include the design in your post along with a brief statement about why you find it appealing, history, and what features and treatments allow it to succeed. Any prescriptive advice on improvements is also encouraged.

Under Amour:


I like this logo because it has a “U” and an “A” in it. It’s great products has made it successful. The founder perfected their first T shirt to make athletes stay light and dry. Nike and other brands will so follow their footsteps.



I like this logo because it is unique. The Cars that they make can be seen everywhere with makes it very successful. They had to choose this logo out of 27,000 entries because they liked it too.



This logo is very simple and smart because the colors red, orange, and yellow make you hungry. They just happen to choose two of this colors. Being one of the most recognizable logos that ever existed, it has become very successful. The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald.

Reflection: I thought that researching these brands were was very interesting and I enjoyed it.