February 3rd, 2016

Scavenger hunt

Assignment #3: Photo Scavenger Hunt

Students will take several photos around the school using the Scavenger Hunt Guide to find 12 different types of shots. Once the original photos are taken, they will be uploaded to iPhoto and saved to their files1 account. After saving to files1, the original photos will then be taken back into iPhoto where students will adjust their photos using “exposure, contrast, saturation, definition, highlights, shadows, sharpness, de-noise, temperature and tint” tools in iPhoto. When original and edited copies of the 12 types of shots are complete they will then be uploaded to the students WordPress ePortfolio for grading.


AbstractionAbstraction ED

Atypical point of view:

Atypical piont of view EDAtypical piont of view


Fragments ED Fragments


LandscapeLandscape ED

Light and shadow:

Light and shadowLight and shadow ED

Low point of view:

Low point of viewLow point of view ED

Nature study:

Nature studyNature study 2

Nature study EDNature study 2 ED


PatternPattern ED


PortraitPortrait EDPortrait 2 (both)

Reflection: (this is a reflection, there are 4 fish, but it looks like there are 8)

ReflectionReflection ED

Still life:

Still lifeStill life 2Still life 2Still life ED


TextureTexture 2Texture EDTexture 2 ED

Reflection: I had a lot of fun doing this assignment! My favorite one is nature study. I thought it was really good. I think I did really well on this! : ) I hope you like it too Miss Leslie! This is my favorite assignment so far! I also learned more about cameras and photos. I learned that I am good at editing photos in Photos.