January 28th, 2016

Hybrid Exercise

Description – Students will watch the 123d Design Playlist Tutorials (8 short videos) and make unique customized object based on the concepts, tools, and functions introduced in the 123d Design Playlist tutorials. Exercise objects must show representation of all tools and function introduced in the tutorials.

Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 2.07.39 PMScreen Shot 2016-01-28 at 2.08.30 PMScreen Shot 2016-01-28 at 2.09.20 PM

Reflection – I have made a UFO in 123D Design for my hybrid exercise assignment. I think my UFO looks pretty good. When I was making the UFO, I found out by myself how to change a objects color and material. It was at this moment, I knew I would make a red and black UFO. If I didn’t change the color, it would look plain and boring. I added color in to bring it to life. The reason I picked red and black was because I love the coloration of it. I hope you love it too!