December 15th, 2015

Get to know camera

Assignment #2: Get To Know Camera.

This assignment will be done in table groups and students will take unique portraits of their tablemates. Students will gain a general understanding of how to use a camera, upload photos to iPhoto, save to their files1 account and upload the final photos to the student’s ePortfolio. Students will then show pictures to me for a grade.

IMG_3625 IMG_3628 IMG_3629 IMG_3630 IMG_3631 IMG_3633 IMG_3636 IMG_3640 IMG_3641 IMG_3642 IMG_3643 IMG_3645 IMG_3649

Reflection: I did took pictures of my teammates and they also took pictures of me. I think this was an easy assignment. I thought I did fantastic and so did my teammates! I played with the camera and found a cool effect on it too.