School Store

DEC 1st

Calendar – see last Friday (next week) – new schedule coming soon. 

END of a business – clearance sale? 

It can be brought back to life but will need some rest!



Week 8 Nov 3 

Calendar: So many Friday’s “off” . , 11/10 – no school – Veterans day  ,         11/17  – no school – FRIENDSGIVING FEAST at Connection (we’ll need to set up and cook)  , FYI – we have cancelled the career fair to LCC main campus (this will be scheduled for a different time)    11/24  – no school (Thanksgiving break) 

 Same as last week , but think – Winter items to be added – and we really need to sell off things “not selling”. 

Inventory – go over what we have…

Create sales for products “not selling” 

Do 3 mock- purchases = 50 cents of store money.

New items to sell… any ideas? 

Create new routines or adjust the ones we have to a “cognitopia routine” …who’s willing…? 


Week 7   Oct 27. 


Inventory – go over what we have…

Create sales for products “not selling” 

Do 3 mock- purchases

New items to sell… any ideas? 

Create new routines or adjust the ones we have to a “cognitopia routine” …who’s willing…? 

Get ready for guest speaker at 11. 

Week 6.


Set up store – we had adjust the ceiling decorations. Practice -inventory, and cash counting (open and close store each day). 

Practice the purchases – create a schedule? can we be open more days? Anything to add to the 

Week5. no school.

Week4. Decorate (Fall/Halloween) – pricing, see what we have (decorations) and delegate tasks.

3. Price setting, Set-up store, practice using cash-machine, 

Week 2. 

Look at what we’ve gotten so far from our shopping list. 

Pricing of items: what is going to be our “margin” and profit level? 

Realistic prices? 

Decorate and set up. 

Schedule for who wants to work on Mon/Wed/Fri. 

We can go over the schedule and responsibilities created from prior year – edit and update/ change as needed. 

  • If time – 


Create steps on how to “open the store”  customers. Service. Handling money. 


Group B: work on scripts for employees to say. “Customer is always right”. 


Week 1. 

Expectations & What do you hope to get out of the class? 

“Go over the room” & make it a store….

To do: What shall we sell? Create shopping list! – this will also be our start of inventory list. 

A:  set up store, clean

B: Create a sign , Make signs for products. 

Whats our pricing going to be? % and shall we hand out “discount tix”. 

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